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(Y/N) P.O.V
We arrived to the location where Hassan was last reported to. Ghost gets off and leaves the door open for me, once I get off, he closes it, *What a gentleman.*
We get to the entrance of the house and I stand behind Ghost and get ready for breach.
Alejandro prepared at the gate entrance as well and called out to the others "Team leaders, circle up on me..."
Rodolfo coms"Copy Colonel."
Victor 2-1 coms"Let's move."

Soap stood right besides me ready for breach as well "Where are they holding Hassan?"

Alejandro answered "White two-story building. Back of town......All Victors, stand by...."

Alejandro readied his weapon "3, 2, 1

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Alejandro readied his weapon "3, 2, 1...execute, execute!"
We moved in. I still followed behind Ghost "Clear. Move."

Soap stayed right behind me "Civilians?"
Alejandro kept his focused but still replied to Soap's question "Gone. Cartel took over. It's a hideout now."
Soap now has a disgusted look on his face "Good place to keep Hassan."
Me and Ghost only listened to the conversation, but kept our guard up.
Alejandro moved to the next gate towards the homes "Next gate, Soap." We heard cartel member in the other side of the gate, and one of them yell "The rats are headed your way! I can hear them on the road."
I moved behind Alejandro, but Ghost remained behind me "Move, contact all Victors move in!"
One cartel member yelled in Spanish "Here they come! Let's fuck them up!"
We all hear movement on the others side of the gate.
Rodolfo responded in comms "Copy. 2's moving!"
Alejandro kicks the door open and I pushed in. Five men aggressively peak out to shoot at us. I quickly shot the two men in the head and Ghost followed and shot three more "They're down."
Alejandro leads again "Push up"
I quickly follow back behind Alejandro, but Ghost lightly grabs my shoulder and comes close to my face "Hold back Sargent, you don't always need to be the first in the line of fire." I paused and relaxed a little, as I was tense of the situation, I didn't know how to feel about the comment, "Yes sir." Ghost then steps in front of me and then guides me, he calls on to Soap, "Soap, push forward. Clear out that room."
"Yes sir"
As we approach, we hear more cartel in the buildings yelling. Ghost holds "Get ready."
Alejandro kicks the door open.
Soap goes in and little by little I hear shots firing. Then there's a little pause of silence. I hear Soap "Clear."
Alejandro steps in and calls out his team "Secure this house, then we go for Hassan."
The building was silent, but we hear footsteps.
Ghost made a comment "Cartel will move him fast."
Alejandro looked back at him with a challenging look "Then we move faster." He move forward in the building "Take the door. Heads up, they're ready."
I step in slowly with my gun, holding it tightly, but I hear movement.
Alejandro looked at me "Doorway, right side"
I approach slowly and throw a flash bang, after I hear the enemy coughing, I open the door and gun down a man with a shotgun.
I look at the man and and scan his face. "Room clear, no Hassan."
Alejandro and Soap passed the room I was in. I gave the room one last look "Hassan could be anywhere.."Soap and Alejandro continued on to check the other rooms. Ghost checked in and saw that I was looking at the dead corps, I felt his presence due to his footsteps. I spoke, sadness in my voice, but I kept my composure " He's just a kid, he barely looks likes he's old enough to drink" Ghost stepped towards me and tapped my shoulder " We need to catch up Sargent D." I was there for a moment, Ghost began to lightly rub his thumb on my shoulder to calm me, but I heard a few gun shots and heard Soap and Alejandro in the other room "Room clear." "Good shots, hermano." I sighed and stood up. I looked at Ghost and he just looked back at me, we had small eye contact again, but he still had his hand touching my arm and lightly rubbed to comfort me, just as he did moments ago. I blushed not knowing what to do, but kept my cool "We need to catch up Lieutenant, don't want them to leave us behind don't you" I walked off to catch up with the others. Ghost stayed behind for a little bit, but still got back to the group. We heard Soap and Alejandro talk in the other room as I got closer I can finally hear them.
Soap "Are we getting close?"
Alejandro "Not yet. We still have to clear the area, there are still cartel members close by."
Ghost was now behind me "Keep clearing, Sergeant MacTavish."
Soap looked at him with a serious look "Yes sir"
Soap continued on, but I decided to join him so he wouldn't be alone, "Aye Soap wait up" I caught up with Soap.
Soap looked around the rooms with a bit of sadness in his face. "What happened to the families here?"
Alejandro didn't look at him but answered his question "The cartel brings violence, so they leave and if they retaliate, it doesn't end well."
I thought out loud "Why didn't they recruit them instead?" Alejandro looked at me with a questionable look, but still responded. " They do and if they refuse, they die." Alejandro looked out the window and called his team.
"Get ready to move. Stand by...Victor-2, this is 1-1. Deploy smoke. We're moving external."

My Demons ~ Simon (Ghost ) Riley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now