(Y/N) P.O.V
I waited by the window, looking out, as I saw vehicles and civilians passing by quickly. Alejandro walked towards me and stood right besides me, waiting on Graves signal.
He eyed me and spoke "What are you thinking about Sargent." I didn't look at him, but I acknowledged him. "Those boys....per say, if they were to rat me out, would I lose my morality if I put them to rest?" I finally look at him with my heavy eyes. He was taken back by my comment and looked out at the window.
"Honestly D, no. As bad as it sounds, this is the work we do and we have to deal with it.
If it comes to it, who will you defend.....your subordinate or those boys." I sighed and laid my shoulder against the wall. I felt those eyes again, and looked towards Soap and Ghost, and as always, he was staring at me. I feel a bit guilty as I may have risked our position in the mission. I looked down not wanting the thought that Ghost could possibly get hurt because of me. I catch myself as to what I just thought of. In great timing Graves voice was heard.Graves comms "No sign of Hassan outside. What about you."
Ghost comms "Graves, negative on Hassan, dry hole!"
Ghost looked at me knowing the info on the kids.
I grabbed my comms.(Y/N) comms " Graves, this is D, got the next hit on Hassan, 2 clicks from here. There's a mansion with armored vehicles, they got more than 20 guards on his ass."
Graves comms " Now that's what I like to hear. Clear out the area, make sure there's no more hostiles left, we'll clear out the air, we'll signal you the move."
Ghost comms" We'll head North, we'll wait for your mark."
We all kept our position and waited for the shadows command. Alejandro looked at me and stood right next to me and then spoke "Ya know D, as you have a little bit of time, you should talk with the Lieutenant." I looked at him with a questionable look "Why is that Colonel?" I asked with a teasing tone. He smirked "Well, you're gonna be stuck with him for the entirety of the mission, you might as well make amends and stay in good terms Sargent."
I chuckled at his statement "You want me to start a fire Colonel?" He chuckled again "I don't think it'll be a fire Sarg."
I raised my brow at him with a questionable look. "What's that supposed to mean Colonel?" He chuckled and looked away from me and looked to Ghosts direction. "You may think I'm in the blind, but I see the way he looks at you." I look at Ghost who has his eyes on me and Alejandro, and his eyes weren't happy to see us talking. "And I see the way you look at him." I quickly looked at him and he laughed. "Either you don't want to acknowledge it or you're as blind as I think Sargent (L/N)." I blushed at his comment and looked away.
"I knew you weren't blind." He continued to laugh. I looked back at Ghost as he was now giving an annoyed look at Soap.
*Should I really talk to him? Especially since I pissed him off?*
"To hell with it."
Alejandro only chuckled as I began to walk towards Ghost. Ghost quickly shot his eyes at me as he noticed my presence since I was getting closer to him. Soap giggled and began to walk away from us. As he passed by me he quickly whispered something to me "You're beginning to tease the Lieutenant you little Demon." I stopped in my tracks and loudly exhaled. I look at Soap as he was giggling and heading towards Alejandro.
I look back to Ghost as he was staring at me. I walked right next to him, not making eye contact.
"Lieutenant." I can still feel his eyes on me and it felt very intimidating. "Yes Sargent D" I turn to him a little bit and made eye contact while side eyeing him. "Can I speak to you in private." He remained quiet. I heard Soap giggle even more but Alejandro elbowed his arm. Ghost began to walk towards a stable and he looked back at me "What are you waiting for, come on." I followed behind him and stayed quiet. Once we were out of reach from Soap and Alejandro.
Ghost stopped and sat on a hay bell.
"What did you want to talk about Sargent D."
I remained standing but leaned against a wall.
I look at him and relaxed for a moment. " I want to apologize in regards to my out burst towards you, Lieutenant." He kept his eyes on me but tilted his head in a questionable manner.
"Why the sudden change of heart Sargent?"
I heavily sighed and looked away from him.
"Since we're going to be working together for the entirety of the mission, I would like to be in good terms with you Lieutenant." He only giggled at me and stood up. He walked towards me and trapped me. Since my back was against the wall I didn't have anywhere to go. It caught me off guard as he only stared at me in silence. I stood up and looked up at him. "Why so close Lieutenant?" He only stared deep into my eyes, but asked one thing.
"Does my staring ever bother you Sargent?"
I couldn't help but blush at his comment, I admit that I've never gotten this much attention from someone, usually people would be intimidated by me due to my somber demeanor, and the incident that occurred with last mission with Farah and Price. Only a few people that served with me knew how I killed my enemies, but he was different. If anything, he didn't care to acknowledge me in the beginning, but it slowly changed. He's been kinder to me, well up until our little confrontation. He then broke my train of thought.
"What's wrong Sargent, cat got your tongue?"
I composed myself a bit and looked down at my feet. "It doesn't sir." I looked right back at him.
"Why do you like staring at me Lieutenant." He chuckled lightly. "I'll give it to you straight Sargent, your a beauty, and I can't help but look at you." I was flustered by his comment and my face started to get hotter. I lightly pressed my hand on his chest and lightly pushed him so I can move from the tight space I was in with him. I took a few steps away from him and we were now just at arms lengths with each other, I lightly chuckled out of nerves but composed myself quickly. "Ya know Lieutenant, you are quite the charmer. I didn't expect someone like you to be so slick and bold, judging by your character." He stayed in place, but his eyes were now hooded. "For someone who talks back to their higher ups, you're quite shy." I begin to feel a bit hot. "What are you trying to say Lieutenant." He only took a few steps towards me. "Do you wear your mask to hide your true emotions." I shyly looked away from him " and what if I do Lieutenant, ya calling me soft." He was in-front of me again, but this time he slowly put his hand on my mask and made me look at him. "No, but I'm curious, why cover your beauty?" My heart beat quickened. I slowly grabbed his hand that was on my mask. "Ghost...I -" I was cut off as I heard something fall near us. Ghost and I quickly backed away from each other and grabbed our weapon and aimed to where the sound was emitted from. It was a broken lantern , me an Ghost slowly got closer and to our surprise, it was Soap. He quickly had his hands up "WAIT WAIT WAIT! Its me!" Alejandro soon joined in as he came to see what the ruckus was about and saw what had occurred. He put his hand on his nose, irritated. "MacTavish, I told you to leave them alone. Pendejo." Me and Ghost put our weapons down. I heavily sighed and looked away from the guys to compose myself. I was a blushing mess. Ghost walked to my side and put his hand in my shoulder gently. "You alright Sargent?"
I coughed out of nervousness. "Yea, I'm fine Lieutenant."
We finally heard Graves in comms. He knows when to cut in.

My Demons ~ Simon (Ghost ) Riley x Fem!Reader
RomanceSimon (Ghost) Riley x Fem!reader ----- (y/n) was a rookie rising to the top quickly setting her rank and showing her skills through combat and leading. Joining at just 17 years old, (y/n) no longer wanted to deal with her life, nothing to go back t...