Chapter one

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First person pov-Lo'ak
I was walking around the village looking for someone that would go with me to walk the forest. I saw neteyam and decided to ask him.

"Neteyam, brother!" He looked back with a questioning look

"what do you want?"

I acted hurt by his response then told him "Wanna walk the forest with me maybe hunt?"

It looked like he was deciding till his lips formed a smile "of course little bro" I cringe at the name. But I just smiled and nodded.

We grabbed our bows from our rooms and started walking to our ikrans, I pet my ikran ,Yeósó. I make the bond and hop on while neteyam does the same. I look at him as he nods,I make a sound and Yeósó took off. I loved flying it was therapeutic when my father yelled at me. I started going lower into the tress eventually landing with neteyam behind me.

"Want to start at the creek or hunt viper wolves deeper in the forest?" I asked him to see.

"Let's hunt the viper wolves, we are running low on their meat" he responded as I nod

We got off our ikrans and walked slowly deeper in the forest until we heard a noise. I looked at neteyam who pointed to my left, I nodded slowly walking. We hid behind a bush seeing a group of viper wolves huddled around something.

"What are they around?" I whispered to neteyam as he moved slightly to get a better look.

I moved with him, the only thing we saw was a blue leg. I looked at my brother with wide eyes, he looked at me with the same look. No way we had just found a dead Na'vi, but when we turned back we saw the leg twitch. That's when we immediately spring into action, neteyam shot arrows while I did the same. I started stabbing some with my knife, there was only seven so we killed them pretty fast. Once they were all dead we looked at the blue body infront of us. It was a girl, she was unconscious, with scratches everywhere and small bite marks on her arms and legs. I froze not knowing what to do, until neteyam spoke up.

"Contact dad, ask him what to do" I nodded at my brothers orders

I put two fingers on my neck and radio into our dad, "Dad can you hear me? Over" "Lo'ak I can hear you what's wrong? Over" I look at the girl to think of what to say.

"Me and neteyam went hunting and found a girl unconscious but alive, She's looks omiticayan, over" I say as neteyam kneeled down to the girl checking her heart rate. That's when he grabbed her hand and held it up to me.

Four fingers. She had four fingers, she wasn't Na'vi she's an avatar.

"Stay there where are you? Over" I froze for a minute staring at her hand.

"Lo'ak?" I snap back into reality and respond

"By the viper den, dad she has four fingers."

"What are you talking about?"

"She's not Na'vi, she's an avatar" I look at neteyam who was checking her, seeing what other features she had that looked like the sky people.

"Do not engage, I'm almost there"

Neteyam looks at me and backs away from the girl following our fathers orders. I look at my own hand, I was half Na'vi but still had four fingers. Though my brother only had three like true Na'vi. That's when I heard my dad land behind me. Me and neteyam stepped out the way as he stepped closer.

He checked her pulse and then looked at her hands seeing the four fingers I had told him about. "She was like this when you found her?" Our father asked us, we both nodded. "She's wearing Na'vi clothes" I said as my father inspected the girl.

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