Chapter three

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First person pov-fwew'aya
I was sleeping amazing until someone walked in and shook me awake. "Wake up Aya, your first lessons today!" I groaned and turned around.

"Five more minutes Kiri" I say as I bring my animal skin cover to my face snuggling it.

Then I heard someone else enter, "Wakey wakey, time to learn"

As I was about to reply to the person I was dragged by my feet, "Hey! Stop it!" Kiri yells at the person. I look up to see Lo'ak laughing as he dragged my feet. I pulled my feet back while he still gripped them and then I pushed them forward causing him to fall back and let go.

"Jerk" I said while standing up, I dusted myself off.

"Morning Kiri" I say smiling at her, she returned it. Then I looked at Lo'ak who was still on the floor, "Out, I have to change" he rolled his eyes walking out.

"What am I learning today?" I say as Kiri turned around as I started changing, I put on a feather piece that attached at my neck. My loincloth was a purple blue color.

"Well we have to teach you combat first, how to use a knife and bow, then some Na'vi to help you communicate"  I nodded at her statement knowing she couldn't see me.

"I'm done" I say as I let my hair down letting it flow down my back, brining the two braids to the front of my face.

Kiri turned around walking towards me grabbing my arm, "let's get breakfast" I walked with her

We walked out and Lo'ak was waiting outside, with neteyam now. "Morning neteyam" I say smiling at him.

"Morning Aya" I smile wider at the name, it felt nice to have one.

"I don't get a good morning?" I look at Lo'ak rolling my eyes. "You dragged me out of bed so no" I pulled kiris arm to walk forward as I heard Lo'ak scoff .

He was nice, but rude. Bipolar bitch.

I grabbed my breakfast sitting at the table, eating I could feel Lo'ak staring at me. I ignored it and instead talked to neteyam and Kiri.

We finished eating and I was lead into the forest, it was neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, and spider.... To be honest I didn't know why he was there? He wasn't Na'vi what was he gonna teach me?

We stopped and neteyam brought out weapons, "This is your knife holder, it goes across your chest." I nod grabbing it from him, I inspected it before putting it over my head and one arm so it lied across my chest.

"This is your knife, me and Lo'ak made it" he handed it to me smiling.

I grab it smiling back looking at the knife in my hands, it had a white grayish blade and a brown handle.

"Thank you" I say putting it in the holder

"And I made you this" I look at Kiri who held a bow with arrows, it was beautiful. I grab the bow and look at it smiling, "thank you so much Kiri it's wonderful"

"We'll come on, we're gonna teach you how to use them!" I look at Lo'ak who was smiling, what is wrong with him, he's all over the place.

"Alright, what should we do first?" I ask looking at the three, "The bow, so you can go hunting with us for food" I look at neteyam nodding

"Show us how you think you is it" I think about kiris statement before getting ima. Stance, my right hand on the handle while my left grabbed a arrow. I put it on the string but had trouble keeping it there.

"I'm going to show you an example" neteyam grabs his own bow

I watch her as he gets in a stance, grabbing the arrow and putting it on the string. That when I notice something, he had three fingers?

But me, kiri, and Lo'ak have four?

I decided not to question and just learn the lesson, he pulled back sucking his stomach and straightening his back. He lets the arrow go hitting the tree a couple feet away.

"Like that, get in stance and we will adjust it" I grab my bow following neteyams movements.

I suck my stomach in and straighten my back, I was turned side ways like him. I put the arrow on the string inbetween my fingers like he did. I let go and it hit just next to his arrow. I smile lowering my bow.

I turned to them, they all looked at me with shocked faces.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked scared by their faces.

"No you did everything right actually, amazingly right" I look at Lo'ak smiling proud of his words..

"Do it again" Kiri said

So I did.


They told neytiri and Jake of my archery skills, they were impressed and were glad I was adapting so fast. Everyone had eaten lunch and went their separate ways, Kiri went to visit her mom she said. I thought neytiri was her mom but I didn't question, and neteyam had some chores to attend to.

Lo'ak... I didn't know what he was doing until he came in my room.

"Hey! Atleast knock!" I say upset at the boys lack of manners, he just laughed.

"Wanna learn some hand to hand combat?" He says pulling wooden knifes from behind his back, assuming they are training knives.

I got up exited, I wanted to learn more but after lunch they went separate ways. So ofcourse she agreed.

"Yes! What are you waiting for let's go!" I say grabbing a wooden knife and grabbing his hand dragging him.

"Alright alright let's go" he says laughing as I drag him.

We walked to the forest, we found a nice clearing before we separated hands. "Since you were so good a the bow it might be muscle memory you just can't remember, let's see if fighting is the same" I nod at him.

We replaced our knives with the wooden ones and got into a stance. We both bended our knees Lo'ak leaned forward, while I leaned backwards.

"Ready?" I ask him

"I'm ready, are you doll?" I froze at the name

Just then Lo'ak launched at me, I quickly jumped and rolled out of the way, getting back to my feet. I hissed at him instinctively. He hissed back.

I ran at him, he grabbed my arm putting it behind me. This made me drop my knife, he brought his knife to my neck. He leaned to my ear.

"Never have your hands to far out, you'll die"

My breathe hitched at his closeness, I grabbed his knife quickly. I threw my head back causing him to fall to the floor with a groan.

I get on top of him holding his hands on both side of his head.

"Never let your guard down, you'll die"

I grabbed both his hand in one and brought the knife to his neck smiling.

He put his head down laughing, I let him go and laughed too. Until I heard him stop and I looked at him, he looked at my legs and I realized I was still on top of him. I quickly got off.

"Sorry" I say holding my hand out for him

He grabs it getting up, he grabs the knives handing one to me.

See he was kind but some days he could be a bitch.

I laugh at the big stupid smile he wore...

"Again" then we went again.

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