Chapter thirteen

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First person pov-Fwew'aya
I gasped for air, I was alive?

"Oh thank eywa your ok"

I look to my left and saw Lo'ak

"I died..."

My eyes began to water as I thought about it.

The darkness

The silence

I look at Lo'ak to see him just looking at me with pity. I would have told him to fix his face but I didn't have the energy too. I just hugged him. He hugged me back, not knowing what to say.

I then looked up to see it was eclipse already.


"We have to go Lo'ak, your family is probably looking for us"

I heard him take a deep breath before nodding.  That's when the rock we were on started moving? I quickly grabbed Lo'ak as he laughed.

"It's a Tulkun, He's the one that saved us."

I look at him before clearing my throat and stepping away from him. I went to call my Ilu before I remembered. He was gone, that thing killed him.

I looked at Lo'ak who seemed to understand what my face meant. He stepped forward calling his Ilu, he hoped on and I went behind him. We raced to the village, we stopped a little away when we heard our names being shouted.

"Oh fuck, we're in trouble"

I just got off his Ilu and began swimming, he followed behind me.

That's when someone spotted us.


A lady helped me onto her Ilu while the man helped Lo'ak onto his. We got to the dock, I saw Ao'nung. My face hardened and so did Lo'aks. He began walking up to Ao'nung when Jake came inbetween him.

"Hey hey, let's take a look at you"

Jake began inspecting Lo'ak, I just glared at Ao'nung who avoided my eye contact.

Neytiri then came.

"I pray to eye I don't scoop my sons eyes out"

Tonowari shook his head as he pushed his son to kneel. "No my son knows better than to take them beyond the reef"

I saw Lo'ak about to speak before I cut him off.

"It is my fault sir, I begged Ao'nung and Lo'ak to come with me. They tried to convince me it was a bad idea, I didn't listen"

I put my head signaling respect.

"Ao'nung is this true?" I heard Ronal ask but before I could here his answer I felt a strong hand on my upper arm harshly pulling me.

I look up to see Jake, he was pulling me and Lo'ak into the marui.

This wasn't going to be good.

We were standing infront of him when he began yelling at us.

"I took you into my family! I expect you to behave and make right decisions! You had one chance! And you blew it!"

He then looked at Lo'ak pointing at him

"And you! You followed her out there! Your disappointing this family!"

I saw Lo'ak look down.

"Your not allowed in the water for 2 days! And you, I'll deal with you later. Just get out of my face"

I nodded and walked out, wondering how extreme his punishment would be. That's when my legs started slowing down. My body was like shutting down until finally I collapsed.

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