Chapter tweleve

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First person pov-fwew'aya
It had been three days since me and Lo'aks fight, I had completely and utterly ignored him. Neteyam tried many times to get the truth out of me, but I didn't budge. He would tell Lo'ak to apologize and that's not what I wanted. I told Kiri what happened and she understood that I didn't want anyone to know.

She had taken me to the shallow water and we were lying down watching creatures pop out and back in these holes in the sand. It was very amusing, me and Kiri smiled at eachother. We were perfectly fine until I heard laughing from above us. Kiri heard it too, we lifted our heads to see Ao'nung and his friends.

"Huh what did you say?"

Me and Ao'nung hadn't spoke in a couple days, I kinda closed myself off from everyone but Kiri.

"He asked if you were some sort of...freak?"

Me and Kiri had stood up already, i scoff at rotox comment.

We ignored them and began walking while Kiri responded.


The Ao'nung grabbed kiri's tail and hand

"Look at this, that's not normal"

Kiri has always told me to never let my anger get the best of me, and I have always listened.

But with everything piling up, anger seemed like the only option.

I ripped Ao'nungs hands off Kiri hissing at him.

"Don't touch her asshole"

Ao'nung and all his friends had a smirk on their face,

"Freaks have to stand up for eachother huh?"

He grabbed my hand to shower my finger, I pushed him roughly so he stumbled back.

"Hey fish lips"

I saw Lo'ak walking towards us, he pushed Ao'nung back.

"Leave us alone"

He didn't listen and began stepping closer to Lo'ak, testing his patience.

Then neteyam appeared

"You heard him, leave them alone"

He had his finger on Ao'nungs chest


He turned around and we followed, but I turned around so did Lo'ak.

"Aya? Lo'ak? Come on!"

I just kept walking while Lo'ak said

"I got this bro"

I didn't know what he was gonna do because as soon as I got infront of Ao'nung I punched him.

"Oh shit Aya!" I heard Kiri yell but all I could think of was beating this teal motherfuckers ass.

I threw more punches until he fell back, Lo'ak just stood next to me shocked.

His friends helped him up and they all hissed.

I just stood there waiting, Lo'ak jumped at them.

One of them ran too me, I ducked and tripped him. Getting on top of him I threw punch after punch. Eventually neteyam joined in.

Someone tackled me off the guy and punch me, I fought back and knees him in the stomach. He groaned and I took the opportunity to kick him off me. I punched him twice and he stayed down.

"Aya behind you"

I listened to Kiri and turned around, I kick the guy in his stomach but he caught my foot. Twisting it I fell to the ground, he kicked me in my ribs three times before neteyam tackled him. I stood up even thought it hurt.

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