Chapter nine

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First person pov-fwew'aya
I told Lo'ak what I saw, he was upset at first because I didn't tell him. But eventually he brought me to Jake so I could tell him.

We walked to their hut but saw Tuk, neteyam, and Kiri trying to listen?

"Guys what's going on?" Lo'ak asked

I walked next to tuk and laid down looking through the hole she was looking through.

"They had our kids right under their knife!" I saw Jake yell. Neytiri let out a sob.

"If the people harbor us then they will suffer greatly, we have to take our family and leave."

Neytiri looked at him, she grabbed a bow holding it to him.

"My father gave me this bow as he laid dying! And he told me to protect the people!"

Jake sighed, he grabbed her hands.

"This is protecting the people, please baby understand that. For everyone to be safe we have to leave"

I could see neytiris face finally accepting it, she put her hand to her head.

"I will inform the kids and fwew'aya"

Jake looked at her and put on a straight face.

"We are not taking her, she is a liability"

I was hurt by jakes words, I saw him as a parental figure. Closest I could get to one.

"We are all she has, she is coming with us! Where ever we go."

With that neytiri walked out of the hut and I sat back looking at the sully kids.

"I don't want to leave" I look at tuk and bring her into a hug. Looking at Kiri and the boys I saw their face, the forest was their home for longer than it was mine. This would be difficult for them, for me too.

We walked away from the hut, I was carrying tuk. She had her head on my shoulder as she cried a little, I rubbed her back. Neytiri finally came up to us.

She saw our faces and sighed.

"You heard?"

We all just put our heads down nodding. Tuk got out of my arms and grabbed her mom crying saying how she didn't want to leave. Neytiri instructed us to pack and so we did.

I was in my hut grabbing clothes and things I wanted to take. I only had one bag, I didn't have many things.

Lo'ak knocked and walked in, I turned and saw his head down. I heard him sniffle and immediately went up hugging him. He sobbed into my shoulder.

I had never seen him cry.

"It's our home Aya, I don't want to leave it"

I rub his back, the only words coming out were

"I know Lo'ak, I know"

Everyone was packed, I stood next to Lo'ak as Jake passed on his title to taresm. Jake stood up after the knife slid across his chest.

We all walked down the middle of the people, I looked around.

I had just become one of them and now we had to flee.

I saw Lo'ak holding back his tears with his head down, I squeezed his hand and he squeezed mine back.

I saw neytiri crying, it had to be hard leaving what you've known your entire life.

We made it to our ikrans, I let Lo'ak go as he made it to yeósó. I made my way to tutsyìp, securing my bag on her and making the bond.

Now we were all on our ikrans waiting for jakes signal.

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