Chapter fifteen

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No one's pov
Fwew'aya sat next to neteyam, sobbing at the boy she called brother lifeless. What hurt more was that she blamed herself. She was a sky person.

She was the reason he was dead in her mind.

No body said anything, letting the young girl grieve as they all did.

Lo'ak walked up to her putting a hand on her shoulder.

"He's with eywa now"

She didn't hesitate to turn around and stand up. Not being able to bear the sight before her. Lo'ak held her as she cried into his chest.

Jake grabbed neteyam, no emotions present on his face. Placing him on his skimwig he took off to the village. Neytiri, Kiri, tuk, and spider following behind.

"We have to go doll, come on"

Fwew'aya didn't know what do say, what to do. She just let Lo'ak guide her to his Ilu, getting on. He sat infront of her, grabbing her thigh to make sure she was secure. Then taking off to the village.

When they had arrived on the village Lo'ak instantly took her to the healers. So they could properly bandage her up. He didn't leave, wanting to make sure she was ok.

The healer was asking questions to her but she just stared and didn't answer.

More like she couldn't answer.

Lo'ak answered the ladies questions, she told him that's all she needed and he began to get up to leave.

"No, stay"

Fwew'aya mumbled out in a light voice, a sob threatening to escape. Lo'ak immediately went to her side, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

Then neytiri walked in with a sorrowful face.

"Neteyams funeral is being held to-tonight"

She left before they could see her cry, Lo'ak stayed beside Fwew'aya. Waiting until she was fully bandaged to help her to the sullys marui.

Everyone was being painted, as the family would be the only ones painted at the funeral.

Lo'ak handed Fwew'aya a shell filled with white paint. As they sat down infront of each other.

"Paint me?"

Fwew'aya didn't respond, she simply dipped her fingers in the liquid and began tracing Lo'aks stripes. She put a line straight down his face as she finished. Wiping her hands off looking at him.


Before she could stand up Lo'ak grabbed her wrist keeping her in place. He dipped his fingers in the paint.

"No Lo'ak, it's only for family"

Fwew'aya pushed his hand away slightly.

"You were a sister to him Aya, to him your family."

Her eyes began to water as her hand lowered, allowing Lo'ak to paint stripes on her. He created a similar Line straight down her face like his.

"It's time."

It was announced to the family.

They all stood, tuk holding neytiri, neytiri holding Jake, Kiri holding spider, and Lo'ak holding fwew'aya. They walked out.

Preparing to return neteyams body to eywa.


As soon as the funeral the sully family went to the home tree, all except Kiri who wasn't allowed to.

Incase she seized again.

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