Chapter fourteen

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First person pov-fwew'aya
I had ran to the forest, I couldn't stand seeing Lo'ak pull Kiri away from me like I'm some monster?

I can't control who I was, but I can control who I am.

I heard rustling behind me. I turned around to see Kiri.

"Aya, your not the bad person you were"

"Did you see the way he pulled you away? Did you see the way he looked at me?"

I couldn't stand the thought.

He was one of the first ones to tell me he knew I wouldn't hurt them. Yet he was the first one to be cautious.

"You love him that's wh-"

"No, I don't love him. Not anymore. Me and him are nothing to eachother."

"Aya me and you both know that's not true"

I just shook my head before a horn went off, I looked at Kiri with wide eyes. She returned the look, we both took off to the eating area. I saw all the village people there and Tonowari standing on a rock talking.


The crowd roared in encouraging woops. I looked at neteyam to see he had a red thing in his hands. Jake began talking but I zoned out, i was looking at the sea. The sea we had now called home.

Under attack as-well.

My face hardened.


I heard Tonowari say, I guess Jake convinced him. My first thought was the Tulkun that saved me and Lo'ak that day. I had to warn him.

I took off to the dock, grabbing my some gear and calling a random Ilu. One came that was dark blue and green. I hopped down putting on its gear.

That's when Lo'ak and neteyam came into sight.

"I have to warn payakan! He saved my life, and no one is there to save him!"

"Why must you make everything difficult?"

With that I made a sound and my Ilu took off.


I heard neteyam but kept going, I'm not letting the sky people get to payakan.

I made it to the spot when I looked back and saw Lo'ak. I ignored him and looked for the Tulkun.


I heard Lo'ak shout immediately following him over, he hopped off signing what's wrong when I saw it.

The red thing, sticking out of his fin.



I said as I instantly ran on top of his fin pulling at it, Lo'ak saw this and ran over trying to pull it too. That's when neteyam and everyone showed up.

"Help us!"

I didn't say anything concentrating on the problem at hand.

At this point everyone was pulling at it, it would budge.

Then Lo'ak looked up


I looked and saw a ship.

Sky people.

Neteyam grabbed a rope throwing it at Ao'nung who tightened it around the thing. Neteyam went forward as we all pulled and pushed on it, finally it came off.

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