Chapter ten

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First person pov-fwew'aya
We made it to the sully families new home. Tsireya was talking about how we would start lessons tomorrow. Before she went to leave I called out to her.


She turned around with a smile


I look back at the family and back at her

"Is there I'm a... singular marui?"

She looked at me confused until she realized what u meant

"Oh I'm so sorry I assumed you were family, of course one has been abandoned for months! Follow me"

I smile at her grabbing my things

Just then Kiri grabbed me.

"Where are you going?"

I look at her with a smile, "I do not want to intrude on your family Kiri"

"You are family!"

I look at Jake who had looked at me already, my smile dropped a little.

"I'm simply a liability"

I walk out before Kiri could respond, I followed Tsireya to the marui. She put my bags down and wished me luck.

I was unpacking when I heard footsteps entering my marui. I look up the see Ao'nung and his friends rotox I believe?

"May I help you?"

I say not making eye contact

"Why aren't you with your family freak?" I look at him, a little shocked by his hostility.

"Not my family, fish bitch"

I heard him scoff at my statement, he began putting some things away as they stood there.

"Then why did you come?" I looked at rotox, he seemed to be asking a genuine question.

I took a minute to think of a proper response.

"They are all I have" was all I said, returning back to my unpacking.

"But you also have four fingers?" I looked down at my hands at Ao'nungs comment. I never knew why as I couldn't remember but the only explanation was I was part demon.

"I-I don't remember why"

I could sense their confusion

"Your a freak and just can't remember why?"

I rolled my eyes standing up infront of them

"For someone who didn't want to teach me your very interested in Learning about me!"

Ao'nungs face went serious, "Believe it or not your the only interesting freak out of them all"

I looked at him confused before he just left.

God the sea people were weird.

I finished unpacking and went to find Kiri. I walk to their marui and knocked.

Neytiri looked my way and motioned me to come.

I sat next to her and Kiri.

"Family meeting" Kiri whispered to me. I just nodded, turning my focus to Jake.

"I want everyone on their best behavior, we were given a home by them. So respect them."

Everyone nodded.

"All right, time for dinner"

I look outside seeing eclipse had only almost begun, the Omiticaya people ate after eclipse. I just walked next to Kiri, we made it to the food area and all eyes were on us.

We ignored it and grabbed our food, we were looking for a place to sit when Tsireya waved us over. We sat down.

Me inbetween Kiri and Ao'nung, neteyam inbetween Ao'nung and rotox and Lo'ak next to Tsireya and tuk.

I began to eat but didn't fail to notice Lo'aks eyes on Tsireya. I started to think of our kisses and our words, we're they just nothing to him? Simply just words?

We said I love you to eachother, sharing to kisses.

But here he was eye banging Tsireya!

I rolled my eyes, I looked annoyed but deep down I was hurt.

Everyone was having conversation expect me and Ao'nung, he seemed to notice.

We finished and all went our separate ways, the sully kids went back to their marui. Their parents orders.


I went for a walk on the beach, collecting seashells as I walked.

Maybe I could make a nice too out of them? To fit in more.

I sat down with the seashells infront of me. I turned to see neteyam walking towards me. I smile at him as he walked.

"What's bothering you Aya?" He asked as he sat down

I look at him with a cringe face

"It's that obvious?"

He just laughed shaking his head, I knew I could trust neteyam with my life. But could I trust him with my secrets?

Fuck it.

"Lo'aks been eye fucking Tsireya, but me being jealous isn't just because I like Lo'ak" I look at his confused face . He nudged his head forward signaling me to continue.

I bit my lip and finally spilled.

"We said I love you too eachother and kissed. Twice! But I guess it didn't mean anything to him? He looks at her this type of way, I don't know what to feel anymore"

Neteyam seemed to be deep in thought. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it rethinking his words.

"My baby bro is a Skxawng, I promise he does like you Aya. He's told me, but I can't say anything about the way he looks at Tsireya. I noticed it to. He will come to his senses, but if he doesn't don't wait. Find someone to like in the mean time."

I nodded at his statement

"Maybe Ao'nung?"

I looked at him with wide eyes, Ao'nung?! The man that has called us freaks since we got here not even five hours ago.

"Come on, he likes you better than us. I saw the way he smirked at you" he nudged me and I laughed

I suppose

"I mean he did say I was the most interesting freak of us all. Don't know what that means"

Neteyam bursted out laughing, I loved hanging out with him. He was always there for me, like the big brother I see him as.

"Looks like you got a hater that loves you"

I chuckle at the name and then looked up to see eclipse was done.

"You better get back before Jake yells at you"

He looked up and nodded

"Don't wait for him to long Aya, you'll only hurt yourself"

He hugged me then stood up walking away.

I say there contemplating our conversation, did Ao'nung really like me? Or just hated me less then them?

Will lo'ak actually come to his senses or will he stay with Tsireya?

So many questions but no answers.

I was fighting with my thoughts, I loved Lo'ak, he loved me. But his actions say other wise.

I got lost in my head.

My head was a horrible place to be right now.

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