Chapter six

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First person pov-Fwew'aya
I woke up the next morning early, today was the day.
I'm going to become one with the people, Jake said it took him four and a half months. It only took me two and a half.

I had my hair completely loose, only some feathers decorating it. I put on an outfit Kiri made me and walked out my room. I went to the breakfast area and grabbed my food. I was shocked to see Lo'ak and Kiri up so early, I expected neteyam to be there already. I sat down.

"Morning guys" I say as I begin eating my food.

"Morning aya"
"Morning aya"
"Morning doll"

I look up to see them all smiling, I laugh at their stupidity.

"You guys look like idiots"

They all dropped their smiles, making me laugh harder.

"We're just excited for your ceremony! It not everyday your bestfriend becomes one with the people!" I could tell Kiri was more excited than I was. She was usually calm and chill, but she was super energetic right now.

Kiri gets up grabbing my arm

"Come! Let's go pick some flowers for your hair later!" I laugh getting up waving at neteyam and Lo'ak.

Me and Kiri mounted our ikrans flying off, we made it to the clearing of flowers and landed. Hopping off Kiri started to talk.

"Sooo, when are you and Lo'ak gonna get together?"

I immediately froze, what the fuck is she talking about?

Me and Lo'ak are bestfriends?

"What are you talking about Kiri?"

I look at her with a confused face, not understanding why she would ask that.

"Oh come on Aya, you guys go flying together almost every night, your have your own spot, he calls you doll, and insists on teaching you all the time! Open your eyes, he likes you"

I widened my eyes at Kiri

She thought Lo'ak liked me? She delusional! Ofcourse I had a little bit of feelings for him but he definitely didn't return them.

"We're just friends, he doesn't like me Kiri" I didn't notice my face drop a little at my words.

"But you want him too don't you?"

I look up to see her with a soft expression, she always knew things about me that I didn't even know.

"You like him Aya, I can see it on your face when your with him. And I am 99.9 percent certain he likes you too" I sit down and look up at Kiri with glossy eyes.

"We can't be together, I'm someone you guys found in the woods. I have demon blood like you guys, I can't remember who I am but what if I do? What if I remember and I'm someone bad?"

It's what I have feared.


What if I was a bad person and ended up hurting them?

"Hey hey, don't think that way. You are a good person, you have made a new life here. We will love you no matter what... especially Lo'ak"

She sat with me now, holding my shoulder.

I wiped my eyes and stood up.

"Let's get the flowers for my hair"

"Aya wait-" I cut her off my grabbing both her shoulders and smiling.

"I am fine, me and Lo'ak are just friends, and we need to grab flowers and get back soon"

Kiri just shook her head with a disappointment look, we searched for the perfect flowers. We ended up choosing purple flowers with white dots and swirls. Kiri tried to bring up the topic again a couple times, I dismissed it each time.

I walked up to my ikran and put the flowers in a bag. I made the bond hoping on. I was waiting for Kiri, she eventually came and hoped on her ikran. We flew off, it didn't take us long to land at the village.

I get down and grab my bag, I walked past Kiri straight for my room.

I wasn't mad at her, just upset she wouldn't let the topic go. I walk into my room and realized eclipse was creeping close. I began getting ready, doing my hair with the flowers and wearing a purple and white outfit neytiri made me.

I had just finished when I heard a knock signaling someone entered. I turned to see Lo'ak with a bowl of white paint.

I force a small smile at him.

"What's wrong doll?"

I sat on the floor and patted the spot infront of me, he sat down.

"I'm ok why do you ask?"

I knew it was a lie but I was hoping he didn't know.

"Your eyebrows are furrowed together and you gave me a fake smile, so what is wrong?" He grabbed both my hands looking into my eyes. Eywa I hated that Kiri was right, I did wish he liked me. Because believe or not...

I like Lo'ak sully.

"What if I remember who I am? What if I was a bad person, and harm the people, Harm you or neteyam and Kiri?"

Lo'ak put his hands on my face

"Never think like that, because I know you'd never hurt us. Memories or not."

He pulled my head down kissing my forehead.

I wipe my eyes and look at the bowl of paint, "paint me?" I asked him and he smiled and nodded.

He dipped two fingers on the paint, he began drawing lines and swirls all over my body.

Eventually he put his whole hand in the paint, I looked at him with confusion.

He then pressed his hand over my heart.

"I'll always be with you doll, no matter what ok?"

A smile went on my face as I nodded.

"Hey Aya it's time" I look up to see neteyam as Lo'ak quickly took his hand off my chest standing up. He grabbed a cloth to wipe his hand as I stood up.

Neteyam had a smirk on his face, I didn't know why.

"I'm ready let's go"

Lo'ak and neteyam walked me outside, all of the village people were there at the tree.

I approached Jake and neytiri.

I brought my hand to my forehead and slowly brought it down. They smile at me as Jake begins to speak, I saw neytiri looking at the handprint on my chest and then look at Lo'ak.

"Awnga starsìm fitsenge fìtrr meuia fwew'aya, poe kay tam 'aw Na'vi"
(Today we gather in honor of fwew'aya, she from now on will be one of the people)

(Be reborn)

Jake puts his hand on my left shoulder, neytiri putting hers on my right.

Kiri put her hand on the right of my chest as Lo'ak oh his on my left. Neteyam put his hand on my back and tuk held my hand.

The whole village started putting hands on eachother.

"Ongokx" the people repeated

I smiled and looked around.

That was it.

I am one with the people.

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