Chapter seven

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First person pov-fwew'aya
That night me and Lo'ak went flying, like most nights. We were flying next to eachother, the only destination was our spot.

It felt amazing, I was one of them officially now. I started landing and jumped off running to the small river. I jumped in and heard Lo'ak laughing.

"Someone's happy"

"Ofcourse I am! I am now a true Na'vi! An Omiticayan!"

I got out of the water and sat on the rock we sit on, Lo'ak following me.

"Im proud of you doll" I smile at him as he grabs my hands. He never failed to give me butterflies.

"Thank you Lo'ak, but I just want one thing"

He titled his head

"What is it?"

"Why do you call me doll?" I saw him smile at my question.

"Dolls are made with no imperfections, like you" I couldn't help but grin at his words. He put a hand on my face and moved his eyes to my lips.

My breathe hitched as he moved closer.

"May I?"

I didn't have the words to respond.

So I just smashed my lips on his wrapping my arms around his neck. He immediately moved his hands down to my waist. We moved in sync, our lips fit perfectly like they were made for eachother.

He bit my bottom lip making me gasp, he took that opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. He pulled me into his lap.

We had to part our lips for air, we separated and put our foreheads together.

"I've been wanting to do that"

I look at him and see him smiling

"I love yo-" that's all I got to say before everything went dark.

First person pov-Lo'ak
"I love yo-" was all she said before she collapsed in my arms.

"Doll? Aya? Fwew'aya!"

She didn't respond, I immediately got up holding her bridal shower.

Just than I heard an explosion

I ran to yeósó and made the bond, making sure she was secure infront of me.

I took off, I was going so fast I couldn't even see my surroundings.

I landed at the village running around looking for my father.

"DAD!" I yell out, but instead I ran into neteyam.

"Where have you been mom and dad went on date night and- holy shit Aya! What happened to her?!"

I look at neteyam my eyes glossy

"She just collapsed in my arms, and then I heard an explosion. Where's dad?!"

Tears began threatening to spill out of my eyes.

Neteyam brought two fingers to his neck and radioed into our dad. "Dad Aya just collapsed right before an explosion Lo'ak says we need you home now!"

"What's going on?"

Kiri walks out of our hut and spots fwew'aya, she immediately runs over checking her pulse.

"What happened?!"

Tears begin coming out of my eyes as I have to explain it again.

"She just collapsed, I don't know I don't know" my breathing was getting shaky

I couldn't lose her, fuck I had just got her.

I hear wings flap and see my dad and mom running towards me.

"Lo'ak calm down she's gonna be ok" my mom says to me as my dad takes her out of my hands taking her to norms lab.

I run after him

I had to make sure she was going to be ok.

She had to be ok.

First person pov-fwew'aya
I opened my eyes and saw I was in a lab? But it wasn't norms lab? I look around and see abunch of humans their working on other Na'vi.

"Good your awake, how are your memories?"

I title my head at the lady as she gets frustrated

"We don't have time for this kid, do you have memories or not?"

I shake my head no and look to my left to see a Na'vi with a buzz cut and camouflage on?

"Do you remember the plan kid?"

I furrow my eyebrows

"What plan?"
I was pulled out before I got an answer

I eyes flung open as I abruptly breathed in, I sat up and saw everyone surrounding me.

"Thank eywa"
Was all I could register before someone hugged me

I heard muffled talking not know if it was directed to me or not. I couldn't focus, the only thing I could think of was the man.


I shook my head looking at Lo'ak

Then it hit me, I was remembering things

Tears started falling out of my eyes as Lo'ak hugged me

"It's ok, your ok"

I held onto him, not wanting to let go.

I couldn't speak, I was chocking on my sobs.

"Look at me, look at me. Your safe, your ok!"

I look at Lo'ak nodding

"Take her to her room Lo'ak, I have to talk to norm about the sky people"

Lo'ak helped me up and and walked me to my room, he sat down and laid my head in his lap.

"I thought I lost you"

I grab his hand giving it a squeeze

"You didn't lose me..." I didn't tell him what I saw, I just enjoyed his warmth.

There was a long pause as he played with my hair.

"I love you fwew'aya"

I sat up looking at him, putting a hand on his cheek.

"I love you too Lo'ak"

I brought our lips together.

We were both scared for different reason but shared the same feeling.


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