Chapter four

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First person pov-fwew'aya
It's been a month since they found me in the forest, no memories had come back yet. I wasn't upset about it. I am happy here, because today is the day I get my ikran.

I ran into breakfast to find Lo'ak sitting eating alone, I assumed that Kiri and neteyam had chores to do. I ran up to him and immediately started begging

"Can we go now pleaseeee? I want to fly my own! I'm sick of having to sit behind you" Lo'ak looks at me rolling his eyes

"Can I finish my food first please? And I'm delightful to ride behind"  I giggle at his comment. I look at his plate and see one piece of meat left.

"Don't you da-" I quickly take the meat and stuff it in my mouth. Lo'ak stands up so I start running, "Aya I swear to eywa!" I laugh as I run to the spot yeósó was kept. Lo'ak running behind me.

As soon as I made it I stopped and quickly put my head down, Lo'ak went forward and made the bond.

"You can look up doll" that was his nickname for me, he said he wouldn't tell me why he calls me it he just does.

I look up and Lo'ak jumps up on his ikran, he puts his hand out as I grab it getting on. I wrap my hands around his waist and he puts one hand on my thigh to secure me. He makes a sound and we take off.

I loved flying with Lo'ak but I wanted to fly beside him not with him. Jake and neytiri finally gave me the all clear to get a Ikran yesterday. So I couldn't wait.

"Hold me" I said, Lo'ak nodded already knowing what I was gonna do. He slid his hand to my waist to hold me better. I let go of his waist and slightly stood, I put my arms out and wooped. Lo'ak laughed at me and quickly tapped me indicating to sit.

I sat down holding him again as we made it to the hallelujah mountains, they were amazing. He landed on one and hopped off, I did the same. He undid the bond and pointed up, "we have to get up there". I smiled looking.

"Well what are we waiting for" I say as I began running on the roots connecting the rocks.

"Wait for me Aya!" I heard Lo'ak yell as I jumped and ran across trying to reach the spot as fast as possible.

Eventually we made it, I was about to walk through a water fall when Lo'ak grabbed me. I look at him confused.

"The one that tries to kill you is yours, use your rope to clamp its mouth shut. Make the bond and fly as fast as you can, that's what secures it" I nod at the information, Lo'ak held my hand as I walked through to waterfall to make sure I didn't fall. When we got across I went to let go and he wouldn't let me.

"Be careful, if you die Kiri will kill me" I laugh at his statement and let go of his hand I grab my rope and then slowly walked up the the ikrans.

Most of them backed up or flew away, i hissed to try and speed up the process and it worked.

A light bright green and oranges striped female came from the sky screeching. She landed infront of me showing me her teeth, I smiled twirling the rope in my hand. I hissed at her and she returned it.

"Let's get this done" I say before I ran at her. I ran right and then quickly slid under her neck to the left. I closed her jaw shut with the rope, I get to my feet.

"MAKE THE BOND AYA!" I listen to Lo'ak and climb onto its back, it throws its head back causing me to groan. It started walking to the edge of the cliff I grab my braid and connect it.

Then we fell

"AYA!" Was all I heard as we fell

I immediately thought "steady out" and my ikran followed, I then thought "up". We went up until I saw Lo'ak. His face showed relief.

"I DID IT!" I yelled as I kept my ikran steady

"YOU DID IT DOLL! WAIT FOR ME!" Then Lo'ak ran to yeósó, he flew next to me as I began racing forward laughing.

He followed close behind me.

It was so surreal, it was so different.

Lo'ak came beside me and then went on top of me upside down. I laugh at him as he leveled out on the other side.

"Race you!" I say taking off

"Not fair you didn't say go!" I heard him call out a little behind me.

I raced to a spot we liked to hang out, it was a clearing with a nice little river. We go there so i can learn without distractions.

I make it to the spot and land my ikran, Lo'ak right behind me.

"Loser" I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"Cheater" he said rolling his eyes

I get off my new ikran petting her, "you have to name her" he said undoing his bond and approaching me.

"Tutsyìp" I said no hesitation

I had thought about it for awhile before getting one and I liked the name, it had a nice ring to it. I undid the bond and started walking.

Lo'ak followed and bent down to pull my tail

"Stop it skxawng" I say pulling my tail to me, he just laughed. I sat on the rock we usually sat on, he sat infront of me.

"What do you want to learn today doll?" I think before responding, I hadn't perfected the language but I could understand more than I could talk.

"Teach me more Na'vi, like phrases I should know"

I smile and Lo'ak begins talking and teaching me some words and phrases, I watched as he talked. He looked great at eclipse, in a friendly way of course.

We sat there for hours until finally we went back home.

That night I couldn't get Lo'ak out of my mind.

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