The Valley of Unrest

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The next morning, all was quiet. The rain had stopped, and the sun shone through the stain glass windows of the shapeshifter's bedroom. Sunlight warming a spot on the wood floor, a soft noise was heard.

Larissa woke gently to the sound of something rolling around her floor. In an instant she shot up from her bed and looked to her bedside, the egg gone. She threw her sheets off, standing up and stretching, looking around her room.

The egg lay in the only spot in the room the sun shone on the floor. As if it was warming itself, Weems sighed. She walked over and picked the egg up.

"Good morning little one." She smiled to the large egg and placed it back down on the floor, letting the egg bask in the warmth of the sun. The tall woman making her way into her bathroom to get ready for the day.

When she came out, she found the egg banging itself against the door that led to the office. Perplexed, the shapeshifter moved the egg and opened the door. At first, the egg stayed still as if it were being cautious. The minutes ticked by and Larissa's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. The egg had seemed to want to go into the office, but now with the ability to, it did not.

Weems picked up the egg and set it on the same pillow on the floor as the previous night. She went and opened the windows to her office, but closed them curtly. With the sun out, it was too hot of a July day to leave the windows open.

She turned from her windows when she heard the egg move. It rolled from the pillow back towards the fireplace.

"Little one you're going to hurt yourself!" She rushed over to the egg right as it was reaching the cooling embers of the previous nights fire. The egg was moved securely in her lap as she sat at her desk to make a few phone calls and continue preparations for the new school year.

As noon reached, the shapeshifter finished her work for now. Hunger reaching her mind, she got up with the egg. She decided to stay in for lunch seeing as she did not want to leave the egg unattended and without supervision. After all, it seemed hellbent already to roll into the flames of the fireplace.

In her kitchen, she set the egg on the floor of the living room where it rolled back into the sunlight that was cast on the floor, which gave the tall woman a pause.

'What if it needs sunlight?' She thought.

Shrugging, Weems finished making her sandwich before sitting on her couch to eat. She turned her tv on and watched until her food was all gone. The egg continued to sit in the warm sun unbothered and unmoving.

Turning the tv off, bored with watching it, Larissa cleaned her dishes in the kitchen before going to bother the egg. She grabbed the book she had been reading over the summer and the egg and she carried both down to the Quad. The sun shone brightly here, but the shapeshifter set the egg down and she went and sat on the steps in the shade.

For a moment, the egg did not move and Weems watched it. It was a beautiful egg. It was pure black in the shade and inside, but in the correct light and angle, it shimmered an iridescent green. Seeing that the egg was content to just sit in the sun in the spot where it was set, Larissa opened her book up.

As she started to read, she heard the noise of rolling and looked up. The egg had started rolling around the Quad's pond. Thoroughly confused, the tall woman stood and watched the egg making sure it would not come to any harm. It just rolled and rolled as if it were a puppy that had the zoomies. As if it were happy to be outside in the warm sun.

With a cocked eyebrow, Larissa surprisingly raised her phone to record the egg. After a minute long video of the egg rolling in circles, she put her phone away. The first time she video'd anything like a proud mother would video her child doing something cute.

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