The Tell-Tale Heart

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Sheriff Galpin stood from where he was just previously unconscious and looked up to see two men at the arch of the Quad. "Who the hell are you two?!" He called over, immediately pointing his gun.

"There's no time to explain!" The brunette man answered as the two instantly made their way over.

"Quick! I need a mortar and pestle!" The blonde man ordered to Mace, while the brunette took his place holding the wound. "Who are you?!" Mace glared at the two men.

"Austin? Donny?" Zander looked up, past his tears.

"Hey kiddo." Austin smiled. "Hurry up!" Donny demanded Mace. Mace looked at Zander before running toward the buffet table which housed a mortar and pestle for anyone's use. He ran back and Donny instantly took it, throwing the broken eggshell in and taking out some weird fluid from his coat pocket and pouring it in. He immediately went to work crushing the mixture before scooping it up and plopping it on the wound after Austin removed his hands from the wound. The blonde man held his hands their until he felt he could lift it. With a gentle fiery blow, the wound began to instantly heal until their was nothing left but pink skin.

Larissa stopped gurgling blood and was able to gasp for actual air. "Mum?" Zander looked at her, hopeful when she sat up. She instantly threw her hands around him and the two embraced for a very tight hug. Austin and Donny took a huge sigh of relief and so did Mace and Galpin. Slowly, but surely, the hidden families of the Nevermore Outcasts came out from hiding, clapping at the heroics and the events that just took place.

The principal let go of her boy, smiling and taking in the bravery of her son and to thank her saviors.

"Thank you for saving my life. For healing me." Larissa breathed. "Do I get the honor of knowing who my saviors are?"

"Mum, this is Austin and Donny. Remember, they returned me safely to you." Zander smiled.

"Oh that's right. I remember your faces. H-how did you get here so fast?" The tall woman asked.

"Instincts. Only a father knows when his child roars in pain." Austin smiled, looking at Donny who smiled lovingly at Zander.

"So now you're claiming to be Zander's parents?" Wednesday deadpanned, showing up behind Mace, scaring the shit out of them.

"Well, I did give birth to the egg. That's how I was able to heal his adoptive mother. Only the biological parent of a fledgling can use the egg to heal." Donny admitted.

"Wait, so when you told me in your apartment that you once had a son... That was me you were talking about?" Zander asked beyond confused. "Yes. We wanted to tell you then, but it was still too dangerous." Austin admitted. "It wasn't by chance that you ran into me."

"What?! You had the hooded figure chase me?" Z asked. "No. But I could sense you were nearby, so I went out to find you. The hooded figures are a dangerous organization that hunt outcasts. They want to eradicate all outcasts. We've been targets for a long time, your Papa and I. So we did what we thought was best and sent you away to a hidden school full of outcasts for your safety. I went to school here, before your mother ever came here." Austin explained.

"You came to Nevermore? Before my Mum? But she's old! You must be ancient!" Zander's jaw dropped.

"Zander Fletcher Weems!" Larissa gave Z the look which made the kid instantly shut his mouth.

Austin gave a light-hearted chuckle. "Dragonborns live a very long time Fletcher."

"Really?! How old are you?" Z smiled at the name he had lied about.

"Sweetheart, you do not ask people their age! Have I taught you nothing about manners?!" Lars scolded. "But Mum! They're older than you and they look younger than you! That's incredible!"

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