The Bells

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Over the course of the last two weeks of freedom, Zander, Enid, Xavier, and Ajax got to know each other very well. The boys felt just like Enid's older brothers who would protect her and be there for her if she ever needed anything. Each of them had proven themselves to the others in their own test of loyalties. Usually by pulling a prank, getting into trouble, or comforting a crying Enid when she was homesick. Zander did eventually apologize to his mother for their fight on his birthday in the Headmistress' office. Of course, she forgave her son because she loved him very much.

The first day came quickly, with the start of the first bell, the alarm clocks each student had to wake up on time for their first class. Zander woke at a miserable 5 am to get a quick shower in before getting dressed in his black jeans, white button down, black tie, black boots, and his black Nevermore Academy crewneck sweatshirt. He didn't like the white button down, but he couldn't complain seeing as he didn't have to wear the uncomfortable jacket blazer and could instead wear the comfy sweatshirt.

He quickly fed Ham before rushing into the bathroom to do his hair. When he was finished, he quickly packed his bag with his notebooks, pencils, laptop, and class schedule. He had the usual classes in the morning; math, language arts, physical science, and world history. After lunch he had his fun classes; carnivorous plants, SaM-C (Supernatural and Magical Creatures), and HoO (History of Outcasts). After his classes he had swordsman club with Mace. Then he had free time. Luckily though, every class was in a block schedule of 50 minutes each. 

The young dragon made his way out of his dorm room, Ham trailing behind him. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to bring Ham, but he didn't want to leave her locked up in a room by herself all day long. He thought it would be too cruel, even for his sadistic liking. The two made their way to the cafeteria for breakfast. He was excited as this morning, for the first day, they were serving French toast sticks with maple syrup. He grabbed a serving, some scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, and milk and a bottle of water for the day.

Z looked around and spotted Enid, so he sat next to her.

"Good morning! Where's your schedule?" Enid smiled, too cheery for so early in the morning. Zander did as she asked and he dug his schedule out.

"Yes! We have language arts, HoO, and SaM-C together! Too bad we don't have more." Enid handed the schedule back.

"Cool!" The fledgling smiled. "Oh there's Xavier and Ajax!"

Enid looked to where Z was pointing towards. Sure enough, their other two friends were there and quickly joined them.

"You all excited for the first day?" Xavier asked as he sat across from Enid and Zander with Ajax.

"Yes!" Enid laughed.

"Yes, however I don't like waking up so early." The little firecracker grumbled.

"Schedules." Ajax demanded holding his hands out. The schedules were handed over and the group determined which classes they had together.

Zander was able to figure out that he had:

1. Math with Ajax
2. Language Arts with Enid
3. Physical Science with Xavier
4. World History with Ajax
5. Carnivorous Plants with Xavier & Ajax
6. SaM-C with all of them
7. HoO with Xavier & Enid
Swordsman Club with Ajax for their extracurricular activity.

His friends had a lot together with each other as well. Especially, Ajax and Enid had quite the list of classes together. He was just glad that he even had classes with them.

The four of them finished breakfast around 7:30 am and roamed the halls looking for their classes. Classes started at 8 am sharp with a loud clang of a giant bell, like one of those metal church bells, and Zander would not be caught dead skipping his first class by his mother. 

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