The Devil in the Belfry

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Zander walked into Valdemar Hall, his mother and Mace directly behind him.

"Where on God's Earth were you?!" The shapeshifter demanded. Z closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again, facing his mother and Mace.

"I'm fine. No I'm not hurt. I'm okay." He said satirically as he rolled his eyes and sat down in one of the common area couches.

"I'm in no mood for games young man. You had me worried sick! You weren't in your usual places, I was about to call Sheriff Galpin to start a search party!" His mother hissed. 

"We are glad you aren't hurt." Mace butted in, hoping to spare any screaming for the night. "We just want to know where you went."

"Can I not have one place that I can have some peace and quiet?!" The fledgling fought. At this point it wasn't even about where he was, more about why he wanted escape the constant scrutiny of watchful eyes.

"That's what dorms are for." The Principal sat next to the little dragonborn. Mace sat down across from the two on the coffee table.

"Don't get me wrong, I love having Bas as a roommate but there is no true peace and quiet with him." Zander explained. "I just want one place where I don't have to deal with anyone, not even you two. I'm the only student here who constantly has a parent to berate them. I don't get the same peace and quiet that other students get! It's not fair!"

"I'm sorry you don't want me around, but that's not the cards you were dealt. You cannot keep running off without telling anyone where you went!" Lars sighed.

"You aren't listening to me!" The youngling pleaded. "I need space! I wouldn't run off if I didn't feel you or Mace's eyes on me all the time! It's exhausting!"

"Well the only reason we keep an eye on you is because you keep running off, sweetheart." The headmistress huffed.

"That's bullshit! You know damn well that you watch me even when I'm not trying to run off! I could be sitting doing homework and you'll be lurking with your eyes watching me! I can't focus! I can't do anything because you're always there! You even made my class schedule without even asking me what I wanted to do or how I felt!" At this point the little firebreather was angry. He felt that his mother was misunderstanding the whole point, which she very much was, however, he wasn't listening to her either.

"Zander Fletcher Weems, cuss again and see where that gets you." The older Weems warned.

Zander growled in frustration. "Again! You aren't listening to me!"

"Okay, okay. Lets everyone take a breath." Mace stepped in. "Zander, understandably, we do watch you more than we do other students...."

Lars shooting him a look of betrayal and Zander thanking the older dragonborn for understanding him.

"However, that doesn't mean you can hide away during events or class time." Mace continued. Lars agreeing with his last part and Z scowled. "I propose, we can trust that you are in class when you are suppose to or doing homework before hanging out with your friends, and we no longer have to spend time checking up on you as much as we do? Hmm? Could we all agree?"

Zander thought about it, he was alright with it as long as it meant that he no longer had a constant watch on him. Larissa dwelling on it herself, suppose she could let go a little as long as he was in his classes when he was suppose to be and did his homework.

"Fine." Z agreed. His mother nodded in agreement.

"Yes, as long as you are in classes and finished with your school work before your shenanigans then I suppose your free time is your free time." The tall woman agreed.

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