A Dream Within a Dream

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Zander woke up on his 13th birthday very excited. This day marked the significant age where he would finally be able to attend Nevermore Academy as a student. Of course, growing up in the school, it felt like home and he was very familiar with everything it had to offer.
But this was different. 

Especially since today, he would be able to move into the dorms. He would miss his room and his mum's giant office with the gorgon fireplace, but now he would have his own space.

The school year didn't start until September 1st, which means classes started then. However the 2 weeks before then, usually meant the students were moving in and since Z's birthday hit within the 2 weeks before, his mother allowed him to move on his birthday.

Quickly, he got out of bed and got dressed in a black Nevermore crew sweater and some black jeans with his black boots. He opted for a simple gold chain and his brown leather wristwatch which had a black face. He went over to Ham who sat in her dog bed and pet her before scooping some food out and placing it in the dish that read her name on the side of it. The little pig squealed in delight and started munching on her food.

When he was all done, he left his bedroom and was surprised by a loud popping noise and then confetti sprinkled down.

"AH!" He screamed in surprise, but his face quickly bore a large grin.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZANDER!" Lars and Mace screamed back, cheer evident across their faces.

"Oh my baby is growing up so fast!" Weems swooped in, bear hugging her new teen. "A teenager now. I'm not ready!"

"Are you excited for today, kiddo?" Mace smiled giving Z a hug after Weems.

"Well yeah. One day closer to death." Z laughed. This caused Lars to roll her eyes.

"Ok. We didn't wrap your presents seeing as that would be a waste as it's already set up in your dorm." Mace added.

"That's fine with me." The young dragon shrugged. "I'm just excited to finally be in a dorm room. I've been dreaming of finally being a student and I can learn to Dragon Up!"

Mace smiled at the little prodigy. "All in due time little fledgling." He ruffled the kids hair which released a small grunt from the boy in question.

"Come, what do you want for breakfast?" Larissa smiled.

"Can we go to the Weathervane? Please?! Please?!" The youngling begged. He wasn't ever allowed to have anything but decaf coffee as his mother said he did not need any caffeine. Now as a teenager, she told him he was allowed to have regular, caffeinated coffee, in moderation seeing as she didn't want his ADHD to cause any more trouble than it already was.

"Yes. But you have to eat actual food too. We don't want the coffee to hurt your stomach." Weems compromised.

"Yes okay! Let's go!" Zander rolled his eyes and was already out the office door.

The two Nevermore staff looked at each other before laughing and grabbing their coats, following the young tail-whip.

Z hopped into the Nevermore van in the passenger seat, which earned him an eye roll from Mace. But Mace did not make him get out this time.

"Only because it's your birthday." He laughed to which Z thanked him.

Larissa drove them and parked behind the Weathervane and the kid ran towards the front door.

"Z, honey, slow down darling." Lars and Mace had to speed walk to catch up with him.

"You're so slow! Hurry up Mum!" The kid was bouncing as he held the door open. It was clear he did not need the coffee, but seeing as it was his birthday, they couldn't deny it to him.

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