A Descent Into The Maelstrom

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Larissa Weems wasn't sure what she had expected when the little boy had hatched from the egg, but he sure did keep her on her toes.

His first few years were how one would usually raise a Normie boy. The first year was recorded on camera by his mother and Mace, making sure to get his first stand, his first steps, and his first run. A video of his one year birthday smash cake was the two adults favorite video.

The toddler was cute, but was also clumsy making his way in the world. He enjoyed dinosaurs, trucks, and the like. He loved his morning strolls in the woods with his mother, picking up any stick or leaf or rock he liked, giving the Headmistress numerous scares as he would try his best to taste them.

The small boy also had a tendency to run away from his mother, finding it the funniest thing he could do - exacerbate his mother. He'd take off down the halls of Nevermore, sometimes without pants, giving the students a good laugh. Even the students, would occasionally help him in his escapades. They'd point in the opposite direction, throwing off any teacher or student who was trying to help Weems find him.

He'd cough or sneeze, lighting the nearest thing on fire, but try and touch it at the same time, causing the tall woman to pull him away as quickly as the fires were put out.

It wasn't until age 5 when he truly just about killed his mother with a heart attack. The little boy, as usual, ran off when the Headmistress wasn't devoting her full attention. He ran to the Quad where he developed a love of climbing. He walked through the pond toward the little island that held the bare tree in the middle. The water reaching his waist, slowing him down enough for Lars to catch up to the Quad.

"Zander get out of the pond!" She demanded. Zander, laughing and carefree made his way to the trunk of the tree and started climbing.

"Look Mummy!" He smiled as he made his way up the tree and past the first diverting branch.

"Baby get down! That's very dangerous!" Weems rushed over, taking her heels off, stepping into the cool pond hoping to catch him before he got too high. But the little boy was fast. The water only reaching her mid shins.

He made his way past the second and third diverting branch and was close to the very top.

"Zander, listen to Mummy please. I want you to get down." She was very nervous, for a woman who usually held her composure well.

"Aw but Mummy! I'm almost there!" Zander pouted.

"I know. You did very well climbing but I don't want you to get too high where I can't help you down, darling." Larissa held her arms out for the little fledgling.

"But I'm almost there!" The boy pouted and stomped his foot, upset that he had to stop when he was so close to reaching the top. As he stomped, his wet foot slipped and he fell down 14 feet into the pond, hitting his arm on the edge, effectively breaking it with a loud crack.

Wailing could be heard from the little dragon. Larissa screamed and rushed over, a group of Nevermore students and teachers making their way to the Quad.

As always the good friend, Mace drove the two to Jericho General Hospital where the little boy chose a black cast that he had to wear for 6 weeks. The little one spent a lot of time in those 6 weeks getting coddled by his mother to the point where it was suffocating him, making him grow more bitter and annoyed. He didn't like everyone pitying him and worse, babying him. For he thought he was a big boy and all the babying wasn't for a big boy.

Weems, not understanding why her bright, cheery little boy was no longer that, continued to pester and coddle him, thinking maybe he was upset from breaking his arm. To Zander, breaking his arm was the worst experience ever, but not because he broke it, but because even after it healed, his mother continued to coddle him and would not let him out of her sight for a split second.

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