The Black Cat

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There was great hustle and bustle going on in the school of Outcasts, today. The annual Poe Cup was upon the students and Enid was exceptionally ecstatic. Not to mention the buzz that a certain pig-tailed upstart had started with her claims of a student named Rowan being murdered before her eyes. Not one student believed her and neither did the professors or the Headmistress herself. After all, everyone saw Rowan leave for the train station. No one except one.

Zander had believed Wednesday Addams from day one, but did not come without warning from his mother. She explicitly told him to never follow her or believe in her qualms. However, Z knew that what she spoke about was true. He had met the bug-eyed monster himself. It's where he got his scars on his arm from. Not to mention, he had been anticipating Wednesday's arrival since he started his own journey in Nevermore thanks to a spectral look-alike.

The young dragon had found himself surprisingly not joining Valdemar Hall in the Poe Cup. He instead, stood lakeside, cheering on Bas who was Captain of their Hall team the "Some Words With a Mummy" as the boys were dressed in mummy costumes. The boy stood by Eugene who was cheering on Enid and Wednesday. Zander was surprised that Wednesday even agreed to join Ophelia Hall in this tournament. It didn't seem like her character, but it did seem like her to crush her enemies, also known as Xavier's ex, Bianca.

Larissa stood behind the microphone, she took a glance back to her son, she was disappointed that her son did not want to participate this year in the Poe Cup. Usually, Zander was quite competitive and loved doing anything close to the realm of athleticism to calm his hyperactive body and mind. But, ever since Wednesday Addams showed up mid-semester, her little dragon seemed more intrigued on not heeding her word and spending more time with the dark cloud in her dangerous detective missions.

As the final teams came closer, Headmistress Weems announced "The Black Cats" and "The Gold Bugs." The roar from the crowd erupted even louder. When the tall woman turned to smile and check on her son, the little firebreather was gone. With a frown, she turned around, making eye contact with Mace, who knew exactly what she wanted. Slowly, Mace made his way out of the crowd and left the Poe Cup area. He began making his way in the last direction he saw Zander go in.

Zander left the Poe Cup area, he heard a calling from his favorite spectral pig-tailed girl, Goody Addams. He followed her up into the Nevermore school and down into the Nightshade Library. Here she gave him instructions to guide Wednesday to make her own decisions, but help her make decisions in the right direction. Goody knew that Wednesday was on to figuring out the Nightshades, something Goody created herself as a way to gather outcasts, protect them, and also rid the world of Joseph Crackstone. Z would just have to lead her here somehow or hope she figured it out herself soon.

The little flame watched as Goody wisped away as fast as she had appeared. He stood in the Nightshade Library, amazed himself as he had never seen it before. He looked around in awe. This was a wonderful place he could hide away from his mother and Mace. He read some of the books and looked at all the hung pictures, recognizing his own mothers portrait. However, the oddest portrait was one of a young man who looked similarly to Zander himself. He took a picture of the portrait, he'd have to do some digging later. He couldn't ask Mace or his mother as it would alert them to the fact he found the Nightshade Library. Something he didn't want them knowing he knew about.

Mace searched the usual places in the Nevermore castle, but to no avail. He checked Valdemar Hall, the cafeteria, the Quad, even the music room. Making a mental note to check Crackstone's Crypt after the Poe Cup, he headed back only to find that the student body and faculty had moved to the Quad to award Ophelia Hall the Poe Cup. He clapped as the girls of the Hall cheered, Enid waving the Poe Cup screaming in happiness. He could tell that Wednesday had had enough.

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