The Haunted Palace

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After resting for a few minutes on his couch, listening to the snores of his mini pig, Zander got up, stretching. He walked over to the little pig and scratched her head until she awoke.

"Come on Ham. Let's go take a walk." The young dragon smiled as the pig stretched and got up herself. She hopped off the bed and waited at the door. Z followed suit and the two made their way down the elevator before they were out of Valdemar Hall.

Z knew most students would be either in the cafeteria or in the Quad where parents usually dropped their kids off. Making his way to the Quad, the little pig snorting behind him, he grabbed a water from the cafeteria before sitting on the edge of the pond in the Quad as he watched all the younglings make their way around touring and saying goodbye to parents.

Unsurprisingly, he saw his mother answer questions or giving directions. When she caught sight of him he waved, but didn't make his way over, knowing she was busy.

Z watched as a young teen girl, probably his age, hugged her mother and father as her older brothers ran around like dogs.

"Werewolves most likely." Z thought as the brothers made their way over sniffing Ham.

"It smells like pork chops and bacon." The boys laughed.

"Filet my pig and I will rip all of your hair out one by one." Growled Zander.

"Boys! Leave the pig alone!" The older woman made her way over dragging the boys away, giving an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry about them. They have zero self control."

Zander jumped as the teen girl with blonde hair and pink and blue highlights appeared next to him.

"What the hell?! Don't sneak up on me like that." Zander grunted.

"Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Enid. Enid Sinclair." She stuck her hand out, which shook nervously a little. Z didn't know if it was because she doesn't talk to boys or if she was new.

"You didn't scare me, you were just unexpected." The young Weems took her hand and shook. "Zander Fletcher. First year?"

"Yes! What about you?" She smiled and sat next to him on the stone edge of the Quad pond.

"Same. It's my first year. I'm assuming you're a werewolf?" He asked.

"Yes. Good guess. What about you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Dragonborn as far as I know." Z shrugged.

"O. M. G! Your pig is so cute! I didn't know Nevermore allowed pets!" She squealed, almost sounding like the pig on topic.

"Oh thank you. She was a gift from my mother. Her name is Ham." Z picked Ham up, letting Enid take the little pig and coo at it. "I don't think Nevermore allows pets unless it's in a tank."

"Then how did you get a pig in?" Enid gave a confused look.

"Uh... she's an emotional support pig." Zander didn't want everyone to think he had special privileges since he was the Principals son.

"That makes sense. Hello cute little one. You're so cute and sweet!" Enid continued to love on Ham.

"Hey that's a cool pig." A boy around the two younglings age walked over with another boy who wore a beanie.

"Xavier Thorpe." The taller one who commented on the pig introduced himself. Z shook his hand.

"Ajax Petropolus." The boy in the beanie shook Zander's hand as well.

From afar, the tall shapeshifter could be seen, eyeing the small dragon as he made new friends. Her grin big, but the swell in her heart much bigger.

Once the 4 were all acquainted they decided to tour the school, seeing as they were all new 13/14 year old students. Of course, Zander coming up with an excuse to lead the tour, saying he did a ton of research before coming.

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