Spirits of the Dead

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Zander now sat in the front of the class, off to the left of the classroom with his three other friends. He sat next to Enid, while Ajax and Xavier sat at the table behind them. The werewolf and dragon turned around to talk with their gorgon and psychic friend.

"So you literally can make drawings just come to life?" Enid asks amazed at Xavier's capabilities.

"Sort of." Xavier swayed his head side to side. "It's more like they become animated because they're drawings and they don't become the material they are suppose to be. For instance watch."

Xavier demonstrated by opening one of his sketch books to a page with an eyeball. Enid's face immediately went to disgust and disdain. He put his hand over the drawing and they watched as the eye blinked and looked around before rolling on the table causing Enid to have to turn away. Otherwise she would've been sick. Z reached his hand over, amazed by the power and slammed his hand down, the charcoal dust the eyeball was made out of instantly flew up.

"Dude that's so cool!" Ajax exclaimed while the little firecracker nodded his head in agreement.

Meanwhile, the classroom had started to fill, and Dr. Mason walked in wearing his usual black tactical pants and boots and his sleeveless white tee-shirt that showed his silver dragon pendant he always wore.

"Good Afternoon class. Sit wherever you like, I don't care about seating arrangements." Mace smiled as the class started to fill and settle.

The little pup and firebreather turned around, excited for the class to start. Supernatural and Magical Creatures was a class about the odd and wicked that students of Nevermore should be aware of as some of these do not exist and some of them roam the earth.

As the last bell rang, the rest of the students scurried into the classroom.

"Okay that's the last bell, let's hope everyone is in the correct class. This is Supernatural and Magical Creatures class. It is 6th period so if you are not suppose to be here for 6th period come see me real quick." Dr. Mason instructed.

The class sat quietly as the Doctor waited for a second before getting on. There was a small snort, but the little pig quickly settled in the little blondes lap as she scratched her with her claws gently.

"Perfect! Glad everyone is in the class they are suppose to. I'm sure first day we will have a few confused stragglers so please make them feel welcome when they get here. I'm Dr. Mason or Coach Mace." The dragonborn professor continued.

"I thought I would start todays lesson with a few questions. No one has to answer specifically, I just want a raise of hands to tell. This is a no judgment zone so bullying will not be tolerated in here or anywhere else. Now, a show of hands for those who believe in ghosts?" Dr. Mason gave a comforting smile as slowly the student hands went up.

Zander and Enid raised their hands along with Xavier and Ajax. About 80% agreed with the four younglings.

"Alright and how many of you have watched all those spotty Hollywood zombie movies?" The elder dragon went on with his questions.

The whole class raised their hands to that question.

"Right! So, open your notebooks class! We're diving into zombies!" Dr. Mace gave a sinister grin as he turned the projector on and pulled the screen down. There were some cheers and whoops in the class as most of the students were excited to be learning about zombies.

"Sweet!" Z could hear Ajax and Xavier fist pump behind him and he turned and flashed them a grin. They returned with a nod as Mace started the class. Each one eagerly taking their notebooks out. Enid didn't like the idea of zombies, but she's seen plenty of the Hollywood movies due to her older brothers and the wolfpack.

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