The Angel of the Odd

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*** Trigger Warning! Mentions of medical terms related to birth! ***

It was getting closer to the time of the new semester starting. By now, it was mid August and the egg had not yet hatched. It was a weekly tradition for the two adults to go get firewood.

Mace spent most of his time reassuring Weems, but also preparing her for motherhood. He gave her all of his parenting books and all the knowledge he had on a dragon fledgling. At this point, Weems was more confident in her abilities as a caretaker. After all, she did watch and keep a whole school of children safe for a whole school year.

Weems spent her weekends going into Jericho, shopping for a crib, changing station, play pen, a ton of teething toys, and other things a baby will need. While a fledgling was similar to a Normie infant, the only difference was the apparent risk of fire coughs and sharp teeth.

When Weems came back from her shopping escapades, it usually meant Mace was right there ready to build whatever thing she brought back.

"I appreciate you building the crib, Mace. I'm afraid I'd build it and the fledgling would fall right through it." Larissa sat on the rocking chair Mace also built, while watching him.

"Lars, you're lucky you have a bestie like me." Mace laughed as he tightened one of the screws.

"Of course." Lars rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"You're going to be great and I'll be right behind you the whole time." Mace smiled reassuring the shapeshifter.

"You're right, what am I saying? This fledgling will be the absolute most spoiled little thing." Weems chuckled.

"Exactly." Mace agreed.

As the two chatted, they hadn't notice the egg roll into Weems' bedroom, which is where they were setting everything up until the baby got older. It wasn't until the egg rolled in between the two that they stopped talking.

"Well hello little one." Mace stopped building the crib and got up, going to check that the egg had not lit anything on fire when it had made its way to the bedroom.

Coming back, he picked up the egg and determined it wasn't hot enough to cause damage and handed it over to Larissa. She took hold of the egg and set it in her lap comfortably.

"I guess he was a little too hot." Mace cracked as he sat back down to finish the crib.

"Does that happen with incubators often?" Weems asked a little puzzled as she rubbed the egg.

"Well it does when its a literal fire. Not usually with an actual incubator." Mace grinned as he faced her.

The egg did not want to hear anymore of this. It started to bounce in Weems' lap.

"Oh darling. What are you doing?" She smiled softly at the egg as it bounced again. "What is it doing Mace?"

Lars did not take her eyes off the egg as it continued its small jumps in her lap. Meanwhile, she hadn't noticed her dear friend hitting record on his phone, knowing exactly what was coming next.

"Mace?" Lars finally looked up as the egg started to crack.

"Hey Mama. Say hi to your baby!" Mace smiled proudly as Weems just sat their in shock.

"Its happening now?" The shock made the tall woman shaky, but she did clock her friend recording.

"Yes. Little one is coming!" Mace laughed right as a little foot kicked its way out of the egg.

The shapeshifters eyes filled with tears, from shock, happiness, and fear all in one. She cooed to the little foot as the other foot kicked its way out. They could hear the heavy breathing from the little fledgling as it was a lot of effort to make its way out of the egg.

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