The Cask of Amontillado

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Mace turned and in the booth to the side of him was Ansel Gates, unapologetically pouring vodka in his coffee. Electing to ignore him, Mace turned back to the cashier. It was evident that Mr. Gates was not in his right mind.

"I'll take a hot chai tea latte and a regular hot coffee with two shots of expresso and skim milk. Thanks." Mace handed his money over to the Barista who went to fill out his order.

"Hey dirt worm!" A harsh push came from Mace's side and he stumbled but did not fall. He stood to face Ansel who was drunker than a sailor.

"Mr. Gates, I suggest you sit back down." Mace was aware of the entire coffee shop's eyes on them.

"You don't belong here. So get out like the filthy dogs you are!" He spat.

"You're hurting. I understand that. So I will not ask you again. Sit. Down. Mr. Gates." Mace's tone was far from his usual cheery self.

"As if I want a therapy session from an outcast like you!" The bigot spewed, venom on every word. "You disgusting excuses killed my son."

"What happened to your son was unfortunate Mr. Gates. I'm sorry for your loss." Mace could tell he did not want to sit back down. He took his coffees from the Barista only to have it snatched and tossed at his face.

"Careful they're extremely hot!" The Barista shrieked, but it was too late.

Ansel cried out in pain, his own hand burned from snatching the hot coffee. Mace just stood there as if this happened on the daily, dripping in coffee that clearly would burn a Normie.

"You know. For an all powerful Normie, you aren't very bright." Mace growled wiping his face with his hand. Ansel turned to look at him, his face a mix of horror and anger.

"You're not burning?" The Barista said shocked.

"No because he's a freak!" Hissed Ansel.

Mace licked his lips, the taste of his chai tea latte hitting his palate. "Could you make me some more to go?"

"Sure..." The Barista said, still in shock as she inched away from the situation.

"What is going on here?" Sheriff Galpin walked into the Weathervane. He assessed the situation.

"Ansel. You need to leave this man alone. What happened to your hand?" The Sheriff spoke to Mr. Gates.

"He burned it by taking my extremely hot latte and throwing it at me." Mace chimed in. Galpin looked Mace up and down.

"And you're not burned?" It was a rhetorical question. Galpin knew Dr. Mason was an outcast and a teacher at the school for outcasts.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd take this man away from me before he joins his son." Mace said with disdain while wiping his face with a couple of napkins.

"You litt-!" Ansel was stopped.

"Come on Ansel. That's enough. Let me take you home." The Sheriff grabbed hold of Mr. Gates' wrist. The angry man stopped.

"Unbelievable. Your kind will all burn in hell!" He grumbled but he followed Sheriff Galpin out to the squad car.

Mason gave a huge sigh and an eyeroll as he made his way to the restroom to clean up.

Once out, he went back to the front register.

"I'm sorry for the mess." He gestured to the floor where his chai latte and Weems' coffee now lay cold.

"Oh it's no problem. Hey, they said you were an outcast. What are you?" The Barista asked as she handed Mace his newly made coffees. She was young, a teen maybe. Unaware of how rude it is for a Normie to ask such a question Mace cleared his throat.

"Dragonborn." He winked as her jaw dropped and he made his way out of the Weathervane. He got back in his truck and placed the coffees in the cupholders. He started to make his way back, stopping on the way at a farm that always sold firewood on the side of the road.

It was a trust system, but usually it was $5 minimum for each bundle. Not knowing how long it would take for the egg to hatch, Mace grabbed 10 bundles, placing a $50 in the deposit box and loading them into the back of his truck.

He drove back to Nevermore, parking at the entrance to the building where Weems' office resided. He took the coffee up first.

"Oh good you're back! What took you so lo-." Larissa stopped as she realized her friend was covered in coffee.

"Ran into an old friend." Mace rolled his eyes.

"Let me guess. Ansel Gates?" Weems was not amused.

"Yes. But at least he got instant karma. He burned himself with our coffee because he snatched it so quickly to throw it at me." Mace chuckled as he sipped his chai latte.

"Regular brew with two expresso shots and skim milk?" Larissa asked her friend and sipped it.

"Of course." Mace laughed. "Have you no faith in me?"

"Its almost been a whole summer. I never know if its something you'll forget." She laughed with him.

The old friend set his coffee on Weems' desk before going to get the firewood from his truck. He carried each bundle up, making a fuss when Lars offered to help him.

"Absolutely not. The queen mustn't get her hands dirty." He told her.

"You'll get tired! How many bundles did you get? Let me help!" She pleaded.

"No it's fine Lars. Seriously, I'm almost done." The man left again and came back with the last two bundles.

"Such a gentleman." She laughed.

"Of course your majesty." He fake bowed to her before placing the bundles next to the others.

"You're such an ass!" The two were hysterical.

When both had calmed down, they sat in lounge chairs facing the fireplace and the egg, sipping their coffees.

"How does it feel to be a mother now?" Mace asked the Headmistress.

"Honestly? Terrifying wouldn't even begin to scratch the surface." Weems gave a heavy sigh. "Were you this scared when you had Eli?"

"Oh worse. I didn't sleep for days. Scared I would miss him hatch." Mason answered. "I also didn't want him to hatch. I wanted him, but I felt like I wasn't ready or made to be a father. But when he hatched, all of my worries and stress were gone. Because to him, there were no flaws. He had no idea that my screwups were screwups. To him they were just funny things Daddy forgot or juggled."

"Really?" Larissa turned to her friend. "Does it get easier?"

"Yes and no. You're going to screw up, but you'll also be its whole world when it imprints on you. So it will get easier when it registers that you are its mother." Mace looked up at Larissa. "You look after other peoples children almost every day Lars. You are going to be a great mother. This child will love you and you will feel a love like no other for this child. I promise you that much."

"Thank you." She whispered, turning to stare at the egg that was now hers.

After a long night of chatting away about parenting, the two friends split after placing more firewood in the fireplace. 

Weems was reassured that even if the fire died, the hot coals and embers would keep the egg warm enough until she awoke in the morning to put more wood on.

Mace went back to Valdemar Hall where he made his bed and got ready. Larissa doing the same in her own sleeping quarters. Eventually, the two fell asleep. Mace fell asleep to the alluring warmth from the high temps in the Hall. The Headmistress, fell asleep to the sounds of a dragon egg rolling on the stone floor in the Quad.


((A/N: Thanks for reading everyone! I appreciate it so much. Remember that this is all happening in mid 2007 era. But do not worry, once we get to the egg hatching it will pick up! Don't forget to comment so I know how I'm doing.))

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