The Raven

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It was a cool morning for the first of September. The 15 year old dragonborn, rolled over to shut his alarm off as it blared 5 am, letting his arm lazily slide off the nightstand and hang from his torso off the bed. This earned his hand some much needed snuffles from a little minipig whose boy was suppose to be getting out of bed.

"Ham... stop." The teen grumbled. The pig did not yield which made the firebreather huff into his pillow before he slowly sat up. His new roommate for the semester, Sebastian 'Bas' Amberidge was still snoring lightly, not even fazed by the alarm clock that went off just a mere 2 minutes ago.

"Bas. Get up." The dragon mumbled as he wiped the sleep out of his eyes. "Bas! Get up!"

Zander launched a pillow in Bas' direction causing the other teen to groan and wake up. He threw the pillow back and slowly the two got out of their beds, made them, and got ready for class. Z had not moved on to wearing the actual uniform. He just kept refusing. He had given his mother the ultimatum of either allowing him to continue to wear the Nevermore sweatshirt, or he wouldn't wear a 'uniform' at all. Wisely, choosing her battles, she allowed her son to continue to wear the Nevermore sweatshirt because at least it was still in school spirit.

When the boys were ready, the piglet was fed, they all headed down, out of Valdemar Hall and towards the cafeteria to meet their friends. Bas had joined Zander's group in their second year and had become a permanent roommate fixture. In the cafeteria, each boy grabbed what they wanted for breakfast, and sat with Enid, Xavier, and Ajax. Xavier's ex, Bianca, eyeing him. They had a whole stint for all of year two before ultimately breaking up.

The young dragonborn could feel his mothers eyes burning a hole in the back of his head. Over the course of his first and second year as a student of Nevermore, he made sure that nobody would connect that she was his mother. When she approached him, he would deflect her or walk the other direction. If she called him to her office, it would end in a fight. As much as it hurt the shapeshifter, she wanted her son to be happy and knew that these were the hardest years of his development. She didn't want to ruin his social circle or throw him off of his studies, so she opted to keep her distance, but not enough that if he ever did truly need her, he knew she would be there. Besides, she always had her dear friend, Mace to help watch the dragonborn boy.

As always, Enid was talking everyone's ears off about how excited she was for the new school year. This time hoping to beat Bianca in the Poe Cup. Of course, the boys were competitive, disagreeing with Enid and making excuses for why their Dorm Hall would win.

"Honestly, I'm just excited for the townie privilege's. We could all meet at the Weathervane and have coffee study sessions." Zander smiled. Usually, the students were allowed to go into Jericho, but if they were younger than 15 they had to have someone 15 or older to go with them. Z and his friends thought that was boring so they never went to Jericho. That is not to say they did not try to sneak out without an older student, but they were always caught seeing as Weems had her eye on her sons antics 24/7.

"OMG YES!" Enid squealed. "That would be perfect!"

"Yeah and we can finally check out the cool shops there too!" Ajax agreed.

"You think Weems is gonna stop us like the last few times we tried to go?" Bas asked the group who were finishing their breakfast.

"I hope not. She can't. We're all at least 15 now." Xavier chimed in. He wasn't much of a morning person. No one was except Enid.

The group finished their meals, placing their used trays were they needed to be before they all headed out of the cafeteria to their first classes. As luck would have it, Zander had a relatively easy class first, Psychology 1 with Bas and Xavier.

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