Chapter 2

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Siri POV

O-week is over and now it's time for my first proper class.

I walked into the lecture hall and made my way towards the back. As I entered the back row, I noticed a familiar handsome bunny faced cutie already sitting there by himself and was doodling in his notebook.

I couldn't help but smile at seeing him so concentrated on his drawing with his tongue out the corner of his mouth and brows furrowed.

"Looks like we meet again my 'walk of shame' buddy" I said cheekily as I stood at the seat next to him, "And much sooner than I thought we would too."

He froze and looked at me like a deer in headlights and I had to giggle at his face.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked him as I pointed to the seat.

He blinked out of his daze and his eyes lit up, "Sorry! Hello! Took me a second to register who was talking to me." He blushed and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"It's ok. I sort of came up on you unexpectedly. So... May I?..." I pointed again to the seat next to him.

"Shit! Sorry! Yes! Of course you can take the seat."

"Thank you." I smiled as I sat next to him. "So... I forgot to get your name in the weekend."

"I thought that too once we both walked away from each other. I'm Jungkook." He put his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Serena but you can call me Siri." I shook his hand and we both gave each other a sweet smile.

"So you second year in Film and Media?" I asked him, "We'll have the same classes?"

"Yeah, but I didn't see you here last year during first year?" He asked, looking a little confused.

"Oh, I did my first year 2 years ago. I um... found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend and I had a little meltdown. Needed to get away from everything ya know? Took some time for myself and travelled a bit, got some life experience. Now I'm back to finish my studies since they should be done with studying now."

"Damn. What assholes. Sorry you had to go through that."

I shrugged, not really caring about that anymore. "It's in the past. All I can do now is move on and just live each day as it comes and hope for the best. Plus, I wasn't in love with the guy or anything. I was just gutted about being betrayed by the two people I thought I could trust."

He nodded his head in acknowledgement, then his eyes lit up. "Does this mean you're older than me?"

I chuckled knowing he was changing the subject to get my mind off it. How sweet of him. "I guess so? I'll be 22 in July. How about you?"

"Yes! You're my Noona!" He said excitedly as he did a mini drum roll on the desk in front of him making me giggle more. "I'll be 20 in September."

Aw he looked so cute and excited that he gets to call me Noona.

"Good morning class!" Our teacher stepped in and started unpacking their things for the lecture today.

Both of us whipped our heads to the front with a smile on our face.

During the lecture, we were both writing our notes when suddenly Jungkook slid his notebook over to me.

Can I get your number so we can hangout sometime?

I smiled widely and wrote my number under his question. I saw him slyly get his phone out from his pocket and under the desk he quickly saved my number and sent me a text so I could save his number too.

I saw he saved my name as 'Siri Noona' and thought that was sweet. I saved his name as '🐰Kookie🍪' and looked to the side to see his face a little curious as to why I put his name like that.

I grinned as I wrote down on my notes "You have a cute bunny smile and the cookie is pretty obvious."

He grinned widely and nodded in approval. He wrote under my line "It's cute, I like it".

"We're done for today's class! See you all on Wednesday" The teacher suddenly said.

Jungkook and I made no rush to pack our things as we were keen to keep chatting.

"Our next class isn't for another 2 hours. Wanna grab a coffee with me?" I asked him.

"Oh hell yes! I need me some coffee! Haven't had any this morning."

I chuckled and we walked together to the nearest cafeteria. We got our coffees and sat at a table and had really good conversation. He asked about my time overseas, which I told him involved a lot hiking and swimming, eating lots of different foods and having quite a few one night stands or fuck buddies, depending if I stayed in an area for awhile.

We talked about our plans after graduation; he wants to get into video editing or be a video director of some sort, whereas I want to be a videographer and capture people's special moments.

He told me about his friend group, him being the youngest and how all of them are all working now, some are overseas for work experience and some are back in their hometown. Except for his two best friends that he lives with, Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung. He told me what they're studying and said they would likely love to meet me sometime as he said I was the coolest girl he's ever met even though we've only known each other for about 3 hours. I have to admit, that was pretty flattering and very sweet of him to say.

It was great. Jungkook and I could literally talk about anything and we were so comfortable with each other. There was no judgement from either of us and I already felt a great connection with him. He was already becoming my first real friend here and I was ecstatic.

Jungkook's POV

Siri Noona is freaking awesome. I really admire her for taking the time to find herself when she went overseas. I loved that we got along so well. She was quickly becoming the first girl I've actually wanted to be friends with.

Sure, there's definitely an attraction to each other. And I think we both can feel there's some kind of connection there.

We just clicked. And I didn't want this connection to ever break.


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