The beginning

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Pete's Pov

Life is full of surprises. Anyone don't know what will gonna happen next second. My life never been easy one for me, past 20 years of my life I was like a living corpose.

But it all changed when I met him. He was my first crush, my first love, my first kiss and he was first for many more things in my life.

The moment I met him, I felt alive again after longtime. Our story doesn't have a beautiful start but it's OK for me. Because I know that there is nothing completely perfect. I don't know about future but now my only present is him. He is my life. He is my breath. My heart beats only for him. I can kill for him. I can die for him...

But what about him? Is it same for him? He also feels it like that? or it is just my imagination? I don't know about him but I love him so much.

I'm not gay and I never imagined to be in a gay relationship but I became a gay only for him. NOW What happens to my sacrifices? I gave up everything for him, my family, my friends, my job. But I don't think I'm good enough for his standard. Yeah,How can I forget that I am just a mere bodyguard and he is the hier of minor family. I am starting to realise the truth that we are like heaven and earth.

But I think it's too late to regret now.

Finally, that fateful day came which I scared the most. I wish that day never came. It still haunting me down. I don't know how to survive without him. But I know our story had to end like that, because in the first place it never meant to be happen.

Like I said before, I can do anything for him even it hurt me to death or the pain killed me everyday. He is my love, my happiness, my everything. If he's happy, that's enough for me. My love, you will be my first and last love till my last breath. Vegas.... for you ❤❤❤ I'm gonna leave. Be happy forever.

And Porche, I wish you all the best! be happy with him...and I don't know I have any right to tell you this but Take good care of him. And remember if you hurt him I'm gonna make your life living hell.

Even if you doesn't love me anymore, I love you forever. I wish oneday you realised, how mush I loved to you my love.

Only love can hurt like this......

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