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Third one's Pov

Kinn was facing at the emergency room while clenching his hands to a pist. It's already half an hour them taking Pete inside still there was no news.

"Please God!!! I never asked anything from you before..... so please please save him. I can't lost him again, please." Kinn who was never bieng a religious person in his life, today prayed for Pete.

Kinn sighed as he sat down nearest sofa.

"Here, Khun..." Chan handed him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks..." Kinn really glad to have this right now, so he took it with a gladful smile. Kinn patted beside him on the sofa seeing Chan standing near him. There was a complete silence only Kinn's sigh can hears from empty hall way.

"Khun Kinn!" Chan called him, Kinn didn't turn to him but knowing he was listening Chan continued "I can't say you.. mmm don't worry but have a faith on him. He is one of the strong soul I saw in my life, khun." If Kinn had looked at Chan's face at that moment, he would have seen his eyes shining with pride and trust like a father who talked about his child.

"I have no argue with that, he is a fighter." Kinn said looking at the red light on the emergency room. Their conversation disturbed with a loud footsteps. Kinn thought it was Khun but seing who has arrived he was surprised.

"Got lost little puppy?" Kinn asked.

"No.. I think I come to right place, Hia. Why can't I come here?" Kim questioned as his eyes met with Kinn.

"Where's he?" Kim asked, already knowing the answer, and as he guessed, Kinn showed the emergency room with his eyes.

"Still? It's already near a hour" Kim said looking at the red light on the emergency room, if look can kill someone he or she dead infront of Kim's darkened eyes already. Kinn saw how his veins on neck tightened as Kim's eyes met with the red light.

Kinn started to explain everything what happened. Kim's eyes getting darker and darker through passing each second.

"Pregnant?" Kim mutterd unsurely

"Finally you showed your true colours Porsche Pachara Kittisawat. It was my fault to Underestimate you. I thought, the moment I figure out your true intention you'll be dead on my hands, but I think you have an urge to meet with real Satan yourself. So who I'm to stop you." Kim thought to himself griting his teeth tightly.

"I want to kill that bastards." Kim said with a straight face sitting beside Kinn

"This is so fucked up more than I thought." Kim said looking at the ceiling.

Kinn's expression didn't really change much but Kim saw how his jaw tightened showing how furious he was.
Kinn's eyes were glinting with anger, he suddenly stands up and kicked the nearby sofa.

"Calm down, hia !"


"Looking for hia?" Kinn asked when he saw Kim looking here and there.

"Hmmm" Kim nodded his head.

"On his way" Kinn sighed as he  imagining how he gonna control his devastating brother now.


Both brothers look at the door expecting Khun but what they saw make them stand up immediately.

"Khun Kinn..... Khun"

"Arm?" Both brothers said same time

"Khun Ki...nn" Arm was out of his breath and he was surprised to seen Kim here.

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