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Vegas's Pov

When I get my consciousness back I'm already in my bedroom, alone. I have great headache even it's very hard to open my eyes still because of it. Then I suddenly remembered what happened in the dining room before I losing my consciousness. It make my headache worse even more. What Mac said to me ringing over my head like a mantra again and again. I can't believe I became like my father in Macau's eyes. It's hurt so much. But what he said is true. I became like that monster even didn't realised it because I did the same thing to Pete which that monster did to my mom. And today I did the one of my worst mistake in my life I raised my hand to Mac, I'm never gonna forgive me for it. Never in this lifetime. If Pete know about it I'm sure he gonna kill me without any regret.

Mac who was always by my side has started hating me now. I can't take it, I can't bear to see he leave me. He is my family. My precious baby. I'm sorry baby for hurting you even without realising it.

I took a photo of Macau from the drawer with my trembling hands. I can see his genuine smile there. He is looking so happy in this picture like I never seen before. This is the first picture we took as a family when I dated Pete. It's our first date. I surprised when Pete asked me can we bring Mac also with us. I remember how he was haapy after hearing that news, he jumped up and down like a kid. But today when I see his face I-- can't ca---

I'm sorry Mac. I don't know when the tears started to flow from my eyes but I don't want to stop it today. Suddenly door opened, I quickly wiped away my tears.


I didn't know how Porsche managed to postpone our monthly meeting but it didn't held yesterday. So today we have to go there. Me and Porsche get ready and leave to main family comfound.

Yesterday like a worstest nightmare to me. I heard from Nop Mac didn't come home yesterday, it was scared hell out me first but I found out later Mac was with one of his friend.

I didn't notice we already in main mansion entrance. I came to my senses only when Porsche talk to me. If it's not Porsche with me surely I'm going crazy already. I thanked him in my mind and give him a kiss. But it felt wrong suddenly. He also smiled at me lovingly and give me a forhead kiss.

We came to know that meeting was will be thirty minutes late. Then me and Porsche waited at compound area till start to meeting. Since we came here felt odd feeling. What is this weird feeling?

After sometime while we talking Porsche suddenly said 'Pete'.

I also followed Posrche's gaze and then I saw stand a little away from us, his back facing us. I never thought that I would meet him today here. I saw him after a whole month. I don't know why but I excited see him again.

He is in his uniform but it's a little different than other bodyguards's uniform. Is he working to main family again? I can't believe they gave him another chance again after all of this.

He turned to us, I can't see his eyes because of his bang. He slightly bowed at us and asked why. The conversation lasted for a while between Porsche and Pete. Porsche try his best to act like friendly but Pete didn't show any kind of emotions. His behaviour shoked me to the core. He treated to Porsche like a stranger and Only remains to his Professionaism. Only a fake business smile I can see on his face as emotion

He even didn't try to hide his hatred towards us. And I never thought Porsche was this stupid,  how he even asked him 'how are you?' after what we did to him. Are you really out of your mind? Maybe I'm a heartless monster but what Porsche did was really brainless. I'm pretty sure Pete felt it like insult.

He quickly leave there left us dumbfoundly. This is not Pete I used to know before, this is not pete who loved me. Who is this man?

Khun arrived before Pete could even leave the hall, he slapped Porsche twice, he even managed to give me a slap too. I lost all my patience and try to slap Khun back but before my palm touched his cheek we heard a loud gun shot. We all turned in the direction of heard at the sound of gunshots.

We all surprised to see to who fired the gun, it was not other than Kinn, he stood on the stair case with a sharp look. I can see everyone surprised to see him like this because they are not the expected form of him. I also surprised to see him like this but I didn't show it. Porsche shoked so much to see Kinn here after a whole month, I can guess he didn't expect this. Porsche also look at Kinn with little guilt, I can see he sorry about hurting Kinn.

He look at Porsche and me and shook his head with a grin. He acted like nothing happened, started to talking with us. I feel like I'm dreaming. I feel like I'm dreaming. Kinn's phone ringed continuesly again and again but he cut the call several times but it keeps ringing. He sighed and turned towards Pete, why he turn to Pete?

"Petie" Kinn called loudly. What? 'Petie'
Is he calling to Pete or anyone else? I heard loud gasped from Khun, his eyes widend and eyes beamed with tears, he has stupid grin all over his face. What happened to him? This weird maniac. Again I avert my attention to Pete's direction.

That's when I saw Pete's surprised eyes and Pete's wide opened mouth. He look at Kinn like he saw a ghost, Kinn stood infront of him and his hand waved here and there infront of him. Pete quickly came to his senses and look at Kinn with unbearable expression. Why he looking at kinn sadly. I didn't like even a little bit the way Pete look at Kinn.

"Petie" again Kinn called out clearly more than before. Pete's looked at directly at Kinn's eyes, there is a silent between them but their eyes talked lot of things unspoken. Pete suddenly realised about something which I don't know. I saw how Pete's eyes twisted with happiness suddenly, how changed his sad expression to unbearable happiness to in a one second.

He look at Kinn with lovely and dreamy eyes. Kinn chuckled at Pete's behaviour, Pete lowerd his head embrassingly.

I didn't know when I even clenched my wine glass this tightly to broken it like this. I don't know why suddenly my heartbeat increased and I felt a sharp pain in my heart when I look at them. I don't know why but I felt like I can't breathe, I felt like someone stabbed at my heart again and again with sharpest thing. More I look at them more I felt like I lost my strength and my heart. It's hard to even stand up straight, it's getting worse more and more.

I quickly left there, I didn't try to look back even a one time.

What is this feeling? What's wrong with me? Am I sick? This is so weird.


Hai guys ❤
I hope you enjoy this,
I can say next chapters gonna interesting 😏😏

Have a nice day ❤ 🥰

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