01.Hurt so good

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Pete's pov

There is my friend and my love stand infront of me holding their hands together. I saw them after a month. Someone look at them disgustingly, another one look at them admirengly but most of people present in the room look at me pitifully. I really hate it. I really hate it. I really want to run away from here and hide, in a way that no one can find me but I know I have to face the truth.

I don't know what they are doing here, but what can I say, this house is their relatives house. They can visit anytime here. Both of them didn't saw me yet, they were in their own world. They talked with each other happily while holding their hands.

Before he break up with me we dated nearly one year, but I will tell you he's never laughed with me like that, now he's laughing with my former best friend. It crossed my mind now Vegas never loved me, only using me as a replacement for Porsche. I try to forget painful truth in past few weeks but seeing them like this, I can't control myself anymore.

I went to that hell on that day, for whom? For my fucking best friend. They betrayed me. I was ready to give even my life for them. But what I got lastly only pain, hurt and betrayal. One of them is my fucking best friend, Porsche and the other one is vegas who I thought he was my everything, but they destroyed me in a way that can never be restored.

It hurts so much. Why they really need to show me that painful truth? I already verge in tears, I can't take it anymore so I tried to leave there but before I can leave, my best friend... no actually my former best friend talked to me. I really don't want to faced him but what can I do? He is the head of the minor family now. I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them, then turned around. Everyone look at us like they are watching a drama.

"What the fuck you all are looking at?" I cursed them in mind

"Pete..." Porsche talked to me slowly. I turned and I look at him and then look at Vegas who is trying to avert my gaze.
Maybe he ashamed to faced me again.

"Yes, Khun Porche, what can I do for you?" I bowd to both of them while asking Porche. Porsche stunned and Vegas suddenly looked at me. Porsche still look at me like they saw a ghost. Yes you are right Porche be my friend, I will give you even my life before think twice. And be my enemy I can be your worst nightmare. I gave them my famous smile and talked again.

"Pete how are you?" Porche asked me with a smile. Are you out of your mind man.
'Not dead yet as you can see.' I really wanna tell him that but I Shut my thoughts and smiled.
He really dare to asked me after what he did to me? How am I?Hhhhh....hahaha...
I chuckled to myself and before he can talked even more I talked.

"Khun Porche, if you don't have to say anything business related to me, please excuse me sir." Before he can uttere anymore words I started leave that place. But before I leave that place I heard loud slap. I turned instantly.

"You fucking cheaters, what are you doing here.?" Oh no,It was khun No who slapped Porche and I can see fresh blood in corner of his mouth.

" You shlut who gave permission to enter my place?" Khun no pointed his finger to Porche. Vegas try to stopped khun no and nextly khun no slapped Vegas. Everyone stunned and I can see most of them scared now.

"You monster get out of here with your slut." Khun No screamed top of his lungs and try to slap Porche once again, Arm and Pol try to control Khun no but he is out of control today. Vegas look at khun No dangerously and khun no also look at both of them towards disgustingly. Again khun no slapped Porche louder than before. I can see Porche is now verge of tears and his face has Khun's finger prints. I'm stunned to my spot.

But suddenly I snapped from my thoughts because now Vegas try to slapp Khun, I have to stop this.

When Vegas try to slapp to khun I heard loud gun shot upstairs. It was no other than Khun Kinn.

Hai guys,
I hope you enjoy this chapter ❤
Have a nice day 😊

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