08.Is it too late?-1

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Author's pov

Korn was sitting on the couch when Kinn entered the room. Korn looked at him when he heard the door open. Kinn slowly approached his father.

"Pa.." it's the only thing Kinn could said to his father, his voice cracked. He stared at his father some time. Korn didn't say anything and give his son a warm smile. Next thing Kinn knows he was in his father's arm while crying his heart out.

"I.. I'm sor..... ry Pa....." Kinn sobbing loudly in his father's arm. In this way he released the unpleasant experiences and feelings that had been locked in his heart for so many years. Korn didn't say anything and he driving soothing circles all over his back to calm down him. After crying for almost an hour, Kinn calmed down a little, now his head resting on his Pa's lap

If you ask someone who is Korn Theerapanyakul? They gonna say,
                  he is main family leader and The most powerful mafia leader in Thailand or
The most merciless man they have ever seen in their lives or The fiercest and most cunning person they had ever seen or he is such a sly bastard or heartless creature. He is someone Doing anything to gain power. Such a control freak. Manipactual bastard.

That is exactly what they gonna say if you asked about Korn Theerapanyakul it's not wrong even a little bit. But there is something that no one knows, the Great mafia King Korn Theerapanyakul treasure his children more than everything he has.

He never show it but his children always comes first in his life because his children are proof of his love. No matter what happened in his life his biggest treasure is his family. He can be a tough and dangerous man infront of others but infront of his family he is a caring and protective father. He treasured his family above all his power and gain.

He always kept his promise to his lovely wife, so he always love and protect their children all his will power. He always supported his children and encouraged them.

As he promised to his late wife he successd so far to kept his promises but he failed to kept his promise only one time. That was when Kinn had gotten a heart break with that bastard Tawan.

He failed to protect his son as his father at that time, it was the greatest regret on his life. Maybe that time because of his carelessness he even could  almost lost his cheerful son forever. That single thought killed him over again and again. The guilt ate him alive all over again and again. At that time he blamed to himself secretly.

Korn took a deep breath and sighed calmly. He feel like alive again after long time. His son is infront of him safe and. He felt like the huge weight lifted from on his chest and he felt like he can breath once again peacefully.

"Shh....Don't cry Kinn." It was the first word Korn spoke after Kinn entered the room. Kinn remains silent while sniffing quietly, his face full with dry tears. Kinn rested his head on her father's lap and closed his eyes. Kinn missed this feeling so much and he lost lot of his precious time with his family because of his stupidness.

"Pa I'm sorry...I'm sorry for everything.." Kinn broke the silent. Korn shhh his son and gently stroked his son's head as if to encourage him.

"I'm sorry for everything Pa. I hurted everyone who loves me, I hurted everyone who was there for me because of love. How pathetic? I was very selfish, wasn't I? Because of me my family became weak. I ruined your happiness. I pushed everyone away from me. How stupid I was? I even tried to take my own life. Because of me my brothers suffered so much, in short, Kim also left this house because of me." Kinn can't stop his stubborn tears anymore. Tears flowed out from his eyes like a mockery.

Korn let his son cry to his heart's content because he know how much Kinn suffered. He is still surprised to see his son like this infront of him, Korn never thought that his son would be cured this time from his heart break. He thought he lost his son forever this time. He never thought that a day like this would come again. Like this is a miracle.

Kinn babbling aimlessly. He poured out all his thoughts without any hindrance.

"I'm sorry for not being the kind of son you want me to be. I'm sorry for disappointed you. I always wanted to be your pride but I failed to proud you about me Pa. I'm such a worse leader,I didn't care that much about my work. I neglected everything because of my stupidness. I'm pretty sure they all hate me now. I know I don't deserve this position but please give me one chance Pa prove myself to you. I... I...." Kinn started crying loudly again. Even if it's hard to breathe Kinn try to speak again and again.

"Listen, you never dissopinted me Kinn. Never. You never let me down. I'm very proud of you Kinn and no one hate you. I'm always proud of you. Maybe they were a little disappointed but they never hated you. They always waiting for you patiencely, they never lost their hopes all over you." Kinn listened to his father carefully. Somehow it makes him feel easy. Kinn let Korn's word sink into his mind.

"You are the most suitable heir for my leagesy. You are a great leader. You are a wonderful son to me. You are a amazing brother to Khun and Kim. And specially you are the one of most suitable partner anyone can wish in their life. Look at how handsome you are. " At this moment, Kinn is looking straight into his father's eyes. Words cannot describe his feelings. Korn smiled at his son lovely.

"Who loves you truly they never saw you as a burden. You are very important to our family. This family never complete without you Kinn. You are the foundation of this family. So never underestimate yourself my child. Do you understood?" Kinn hugged his father tightly while nodding his head.
Korn also patted Kinn's back reassuringly.

"Thank you Pa. Thank you so much for being always for me." Kinn said with gratitude. Kinn didn't want anyone's pity or kind, he wanted a good listener to gather his self together again. Finally he got it from his father because the best listener he ever met in his life was his father.

After some time both of them were sitting on the balcony with whisky glass on their hands.

"Aren't you cold Pa?" Kinn asked concerning when he felt chill weather welcome him in balcony. Korn chuckled and looked at his son amusing.

"I'm not that weak, boy" Korn said teasingly while taking a sip from his glass.

"Oh... Pa.." Kinn whined a little and smiled at him. It managed to bring a smile to Korn's face. That beautiful smile, he missed this smile so much, his is mother's smile is expressed in the same way. How much Korn wished to see him like this again. His Mama's boy. Korn's heart fill with full joy seenvhis son like this. After a long peaceful slumber Kinn called his father.
Korn give his full attention to his son.

"Pa... I want to make it right this time." Kinn said with a sigh.


Hai guys ❤

Sorry for late update🥺
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ❤ 💓

Have a nice day ❤ 😊

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