05.Brotherhood - part 2

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Vegas's Pov

"I'm sorry Mac. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry" I can't speak properly. I felt like someone cutting same wound again and again.

"Go away. Don't come near to me." Mac said while sobbing hardly. I can't see this

"Baby listen to me. I didn't mean it. Please don't afraid of me." I try to apologise to him even if know it's useless.

"Please baby, you're my family. I can't live without you. I love you baby" I said pleadingly

"You don't love me. You can and you gonna live without me." He whispered and shook his hair like he has his own battle with his mind.

"No, no baby. It's not true. I really love you.I'm sorry. Please forgive me. It never gonna happen again. Never" I blabbered without thinking. I even don't know what I'm saying at this moment. I try my best to convince my baby brother to forgive me.

"You know what, And specially you're gonna fine without me." He said it with a smile. What's that mean? Is he going to leave me? No....

"No baby, please don't leave me. P....Please I love...y...you so much. I swear to you I'm never gonna do it again" I kneels downed infront of him. I can hear other's gasp. But I don't care about anything or anyone at this moment. I don't ready to lost my brother  Now I also crying on the floor while kneeling down. Mac look at me and chuckled. He has amused grin like he remembered something

"This scene seem to be very familiar. Don't you think so?" He asked me and look at my eyes directly. My eyes widend. How he know? I felt my throat suddenly dry.

"The same look on your face, the same words 'don't leave me.' 'I love you so much.' 'You're my sunshine.'" Mac laughed loudly like a maniac. Suddenly he came towards me. Now he infront of me. He look at both of us, specially at me.

"But lastly it all fake,Right? He trusted you, doesn't he? But what he got on return only betrayal, fake affection and fake love from you. When he ready to sacrifice his everything for you, you only gave him pain. You know? he waiting for you everyday and making your favourite foods even he knew that you not gonna come home. He cried everyday because of you but when you came home you always act like nothing happened. He smiled at you even he's dying inside of pain. He always adored you so much, he loved you so much. I saw all of this my own eyes. Why he even loved you when you act like a jerk." I also don't have a answer for it Mac. I know I'm a jerk. I know I hurted him but I can't do anything for that. Mac continues, he cried hardly but he never stopped pouring out his thoughts at us.

"But I acted like a blind person because he didn't like to see my worries or getting hurt by anything. He looked after me like a mom, he loved me a lot. I felt love again, what I missed my entire life because of phi Pete. But what you did at that time? you flirted with another man and fuck around while your lover take care of your house, your brother and everything. But he never complained about anything even he was so tired. Why? Because he loved you so much, he trusted you so much. But you ungrateful bastard tossed him away like he is like a used rag. So I don't want to believe your sweet words. At least who knows if they are true or false after what you did to him." He stopped crying and he wiped away the tears aggressively. But he can't stop the tears flowing out his eyes nonstoply. His eyes shows how much he was hurting but I remained to my place like a coward. I have never felt so helpless or weak. He again look at me and sighed deeply. I can feel he gonna say something to say hard.

"Call me a cowerd if you want, but it's OK because I realy don't want to go through the same thing what phi Pete going through. I am not as brave as phi Pete. If you ab.....abadoned me like you did to phi Pete......I...I... If I also have to face the same thing I'm sure I'm not gonna survive." Mac said stuttering. What he was talking about? Me, abandon him. It's gonna happen only over my death body.

"Mac what are you talking about. I...I...never gonna do that. I n...never gonna abandon you. You're so precious to..m...me baby." I said while controlling my sob

"Don't worry I'm not gonna abandon you. I... I promise baby. I'm sorry for what I did to him. It's my fault but it has nothing to do with you anything. I'm sorry.I'll apologize to him if you want. I can do it. Please forgive me Mac. I really  love you." I saw Porsche glared at me at the beginning but this moment I didn't care about anything. My only focus on my my baby now. After sometime Porsche also try to ease the situation between me and Mac because he know how much I love my baby brother

"Vegas loves you so much Macau. Trust me he always tell me about you. Please don't leave him. He didn't mean to slap you before. You know he has a bad temper always and it's hard to control his anger sometimes. So please forgive your brother Macau. He is your only brother, only your family." I saw Mac's eyes hardened and they filled with anger. If I'm not wrong he he..... Oh no....

"And if you want us to apologise to him, we can do it. It's him who doesn't want to meet us.'please stop this Porsche. I prayed in my mind.' We tried so many times but he became a brat. If Pete..." His words cut off by Mac

"Shut the fuck up you whore. Don't you dare to said his name from your filthy mouth. What did you just say? He didn't want to meet you. If I were him, I would do the same thing. He also a human, he also have feelings like both of you. What you even expect from him? that he gonna welcome both of you open arm and warm smile? This is ridiculous. I can't believe how even you get to this low Porsche. It's very unfair to him. He didn't deserve any of this because he trusted you guys." Mac yelled both of us. He fuming in anger. He gave a murderous glare to Porsche. I'm sure If he can he gonna kill Porsche without thinking twice. I can't believe my innocent baby brother converted into this. I can't see his soft pitchers anymore there is only hatred. That look he giving to Porsche now reminded me someone once I hated the most. Is it because of me?

"One song I heard says: some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes. But I never believed it but now I believed it. When we fall in love with wrong people it's gonna destroyed us." He chuckled

"You don't deserve him as your lover" he pointed at me

"And You don't deserve him as your best friend." He pointed at Porsche

"Both of you are biggest losers ever I met. You both lost a gem and Mark my words both of you gonna regret it. I am glad he left this hell even it hurted me like a hell. He deserves happiness more than anyone" Mac said sadly and grabbed his phone to leave the dining room without any glance towards us. But he stopped and turn to me. My eyes lit up with a hope.

"I'm so disappointed with you Vegas. Once I wish I want to became like you but I now hate that thought too. You know how Mama suffered of father when she alive. So...so I never th.... thought you do that sa... same thing to phi Pete like our father did to our m... mother." Finally the words got tangled up. Mac give me a plain smile and walked away with tears.

I can see Porsche also very shocked after listening to Mac. I'm speechless after listening to him. I want to go afeter him and asking his forgiveness but I felt my body giving up and I felt dizzy.  I don't know what I'm feeling right now.

Yeah I know that pain. I know how much mom suffered when he alive. Am I did the same? Like my father. Macau's every words ringed around my head like a mantra. Pete also suffered like my mother because of me? I'm the reason for his tears, his sadness?

Fucking yes, it's because of you Vegas. You did that to him. Your selfishness and greediness make him suffered like your mother. Began to appear my mom's face infront of me. Her eyes fill with tears, her eyes fluppy and red from crying, her hair was a mess, her lips has dried blood. I can see angry hand print across her face, she slightly pale but she managed to give me a heartwarming smile. Then suddenly her face replaced with Pete's face. He also smiling at me through the tears like always.

I felt like I can't breathe properly. I heard someone calling my name before I blackout.


Hai guys 🥰
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter 💓

Have a nice day guys 🥰

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