09.Is it too late? - 2

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Author's Pov

"Pa... I want to make it right this time." Kinn said with a sigh as he leaning on the balcony fence. He swirled the whisky in the glass before taking a sip, the bitter burn from the liquid however made relaxed him a little. His attention was far from there, his eyes searched something in the dark something he didn't even know. Korn also watched everything quietly without bothering his son. After a while Kinn again called out for his father still remains in the same place as before. Korn gave all his attention to his child like a silent encouragement to continue.

"Above all that, because of my selfishness I made a big mistake that I never can fix, right Pa?" Kinn let out a sorrowful breath and it was followed by a sad smile. Korn didn't said anything because he did not understand what Kinn mean, Korn gave his son a confused look.

"I know I can fix everything but how I'm gonna face him Pa?" That's when Korn understand who was Kinn referring to.

"My previous actions hurted him more than to anyone, I failed to fulfill my promises to him, he trusted me so much but I destroyed everything own my hands." Again Kinn's eyes filled with tears, they fight to fall from the eyes. Korn look at Kinn's heartbroken state but he didn't try to stop him, Instead of stopping he let his son to express what was on his mind

"He was always there for me, always. Even I neglected him, he always treated me friendly. Because of my selfishness I neglected him and it led him to his worst. It's me who took him to his destruction. His only family was me but I left him his own and specially I frequently always fushed him away from me after Tawan's incident. He never complained, he never backed of, he never failed me b__ but What did I do?" Kinn's voice cracked, he could no longer hold back his tears

"Khun always warned me lot of times that I'm gonna regret one-day about my actions and I'm gonna beg on my knees for Pete's forgiveness oneday but I always shooed him away when he mentioned it." He said while smiling through tears.

"Even he acted like crazy Khun is a wise person" Korn said with a little chuckle

"Is it too late for me to regret it now Pa?
Is it too late to fix everything Pa? It's too late to ask his forgiveness,Pa?" Kinn asked through his tears. Korn look at his son softly while placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It's never late my son. There is no human being in this world who does not make mistakes, It is human nature to make mistakes. But there are few people in this world who recognize their mistakes and apologize for them." Korn said calmly while lost in his thoughts.

"Do as you want there is no one gonna blame you. I'm pretty sure everyone very please to see you like before, specially Pete. These days he is like a dead body, I'm sure only you can make him alive again."

"Pa,Do you think he will forgive me?" Kinn asked in a nearly non audible whisper. Even that question alone make him feel dizzy. Korn suddenly chuckled at Kinn's question.

"You know him more than I do. And it's you once told me he has the world's biggest heart. Didn't you son?" After a few moments of silence Korn asked his son. Kinn's breath caught on his throat, yes, how he can forgot that they were talking about non other than Pete, the most kindest and warmest person ever he encountered in his life besides his family.

"P..... P'Kinn" Their first encounter, Kinn remembers like today how 7 years older Pete held his hand with his chubby fingers and smiled innocently with his doe eyes at him while showing his cute dimples.

No matter what he distrusts, Kinn has no doubts about Pete's heart. Kinn can accept without any fear or doubt that Pete has a purest heart anyone can wish. He can can believe him even with his eyes closed. He even usually teased Pete when they were little saying 'Stupid' because of his warm, kind and unselfish behaviour.

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