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Vegas's Pov

"Khun, there is a letter for you" Nop said handing me a plain cover. Firstly I was not in a mood to read it but seeing little kitty sticker over the corner of the cover my mind changed. I opened it only to have the most delicate and shortest letter ever I have been received in my life.... and the smell is so familiar, even the hand writing....


No tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell......🖤

I wish one day you will miss my....
Stupid face,
Funny smile,
Unlimited care &
Fights and calls bother you so much

And maybe me and my one sided Love...."

Stay safe and happy forever my Love..❤️



I can't believe my own eyes. It's really from Pete? Or Am I seeing things?
This make... my chest pained like.... like... Urghhh!! I don't know what's happening to me...

Where are you Pete? I read the letter again with great anxiety. My eyes blurred with unwanted tears, when I really need to see clearly....

You gave up Finally, hmmm ?...........

It's ok......

At least you escaped from this hell Hall.... That's enough for me.....

Arhhh! I clutched my chest tightly.... I felt familiar warmness before passing out...

>>>>this part is from one of next chapters<<<<

Author's Pov

Suddenly the emergency door opened and a nurse rushed out of there.

"What's going on? Is he alright" Seeing this Kinn asked about Pete.

"Who are you?" The nurse asked rudely.

"And who give you the permission to stay here. Don't you know this area is prohibited to outsiders?" Not knowing who are they the nurse enquired looking at Kinn, Kim and Arm head to toes.

"Watch your mouth lady." Kim said in a fake sweet smile while gritting his teeth
making her uneasy.

"Who is the guardian of the patient inside?" The senior nurse who just came out from ICU also heard their argument slightly. She quickly bowed at them respectfully, recognising the heirs of the Theerapanyakul family. Seeing murderous gaze on Kim's face she understands something is wrong.

"Sorry sir, she's new to here." so the senior apologies quickly. The nurse looked at her senior confusingly but she also bowed at them apologising.

"What did you ask?"

what's patient's blood group, Khun

"It's AB"

"Thank you Khun"

"Doctor how is he? Is he fine?" Kinn asked startling the doctor who came out the imergency room just now.

"The patient is fine Mr.Kinn. The critical situation is lowering... You really saved that boy... If you brought him any late I don't think I can guarantee his safety." And here come the hardest part of the story, the doctor little hesitated to say the truth...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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