11.Broken Friendship

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Pete's Pov

It's already near the time, my nervous also getting high and high. I felt happy but same time I'm scared to face him.

Why he want to meet me? Is he going to fire me for scolding him? Or did I do something dumb? Oh noooo..... this rate I'm gonna crazy for sure. I'm really happy to meet him but I really can't think any reasonable reason why Khun Kinn want to meet me suddenly at that place.

I suddenly snapped out of my train of thought, oh shit what I'm even thinking?
I'm no longer their bodyguard anymore, how can I forgot about this. I think after my coma my brain fucked up badly. I banged my head lightly at the nearest wall annoyingly.


I don't know how many times I walked here and there in my room now thinking about this. I almost felt dizzy from all the walks but I struggled it away like always. How I'm gonna control my excitement infront of him if he acts like that again. It's the only thought occupied in my mind since the time he invited me in the morning. This is the first time we gonna meet face to face after my coma because he left the country the night I gained my conscious back.

'Petie' it was the nickname he called me since I was firstly arrived here but he stopped it after what happened with Tawan. Today was the first time I heard 'Petie' from him I think after almost four or five years. I didn't even realised I craved for his attention that much till he called me 'Petie'. I sighed again and leave my room.

Every step I'm taking towards my destination felt heavy, my heart clenched uncomfortably but I don't know it's because of anxious or happiness. I can hear my quickened heartbeat from my ears. My palms are sweaty, my whole body starting to cover with cold sweat even in the AC.

I passed long hallway across the main courtyard and reached the familiar one way garden which leads directly towards the lift to the west wing.

Guards bowed to me respectfully who was guarded infront of the entry of the garden, I also nodded at them and entered to the garden. But before even I can take two steps ahead I felt dizzy again. What the fuck! I felt like everything spinning all over my head. My vision became blur, I quickly lean on the to a nearest pole and shut my eyes tightly while trying to make my breath steady.

"Are you ok phi Pete?" One of guard asked me, I quickly recognised him from his tiny voice. Lim is one of guard who was trained under me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said after a little while with a slight smile.

"Here, phi" Another guard aproched me with a glass of water, I thanked him and gulped down it quickly like a drained man. It cleard my mind a little. They offered me to accompany me to but I declined it politely and started to walk again.

Finally I reached my destination, I look at the door with anxiety before taking out precious golden key from my pocket. I look at the shiny key on my left hand, it's very beautiful piece of shit. I'm sure it's worth more than my whole year salary as a bodyguard. Rich people's things. I rolled my eyes at it annoyingly.

I inserted the key and turned the nob slowly, but there's nothing happened. I tried again but there's nothing....  I frowned a little and slowly leaned on the door

"Ahhhh, Holy shit" Suddenly it opened with a 'beep' sound. It scared me to death. I gasped loudly and panted like a like a fish out of water. Suddenly I feel like I want to pee because of my nervousness.

"Pete?" I again startled by Phi Kinn's voice but I can't bring myself to answer him because suddenly I felt dizzy again and my head started to spinning. My eyes became heavy. This is not the first time thus happened to me. Why I'm feeling weak like this these days more often?

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