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Kinn's Pov

It's already 8.30 a.m. when I wake up from my peaceful sleep. How peaceful, I felt indescribably free after a long time. I get up quickly and finished my morning routine because I'm eager to meet my family. I don't know why but I'm very excited like a child, I think my inner child started work again.

I really didn't care what I wear so I quickly grab a white long sleeve Polo shirt with a black pant and weard it, I even didn't remember I own this type of clothes. I really didn't care how I look now, I only want to surprise them.

When I infront of the mirror I see a gimplac of my previous life standing infront of me proudly. I looked at my reflection more attentionly. I look different, almost like my teenage years  but it's not a bad different, I like this new change. It's some kind of warm feeling.

I shook my head and quickly make my way to dining hall. I get few surprises looks towards me on the way, I smiled at them. They look at with me surprised look. Some of them even became pale because of my unusual behaviour. I can't blame them because of my previous behaviour. I always cold towards them, don't get me wrong I always treated them well but I never showed my affections towards them. But in between all that, I got a few warm smiles back from our old workers, who knew my behaviour up and down well.

Today I used stairs instead lift so I can meet my employees. Like I said simple step by step for make it right. But when I reached last stair my blood started to boiled because what I saw. My mood completely destroyed, my happiness replaced with sad then it turned to the anger but I try to stay calm as I felt I lost my control. But he crossed the limit....

What a luck I got? I really didn't wish to meet him this sooner but how I'm gonna against my fate. But what surprised me most I didn't feel so unbearably sad, how can I describe it, it's just like a magic. I think both cheaters are made a great couple together. But I more surprised to see the number of disgusted glance towards them. Most people don't even try to hidden their hatred towards them.

My ex, who once was my life, who made me lose myself once again, now along with his current boyfriend, who not other than my eldest cousin Vegas standing next to each other few meters away from me. But that's not the problem, they shamelessly approached Pete.

How dare he even asking the person he hurted 'Are you ok?'. If it's me I'm gonna slite my throat before even thinking about it. Is he fucking lunatic?

I don't know what I'm gonna do if I'm his shoe now, but Pete like a professionalism he was quickly excused himself and left.

"Whack !!" I saw everyone get startled from sudden sound, even guards also more in alert. Pete's surprised face is worth seeing. What you now heard was a loud slapp across my ex boyfriend's face. Yeah, you guessed right, it's Thankun who slapped Porsche.

He deserve it. He deserves it more than anyone. I'm never felt prouded of my elder brother like today. It is not just a slap, it's a reminder for him about his shameless betrayal. He played with everyone's trust, Khun really adored him so much. Now the same eyes filled with pure hatred and disgust. I still remember how happy he was when he heard about our relationship. Unconsciously one tear left my eyes not for my deceived ex but For my eldest brother who loves me unconditionally.

"You fucking cheaters, what are you doing here.?" Khun's loud voice echoed the room. It's full with venom. There was no one interfering with the situation even my cousin also frozen.

"You slut who gave permission to enter my place?" Khun asked with full authority as he pointed his finger to Porche. When Vegas try to interfere with the situation, Khun did something never anyone dare to do.

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