Chapter 2 Frank

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This place feels oddly familiar, like we've been here before.  The Beige walls seem to try make us calm down into a false sense of security. There is crack in the wall, we can not see the inner of the wall, but an entirely different world. We try to get a peek, but its impossible to make  out anything, but then...

I wake up in my bed completely confused what my dream means . I try to get out of my bed , but i accidentally fall out of my bed into my comforting grassy carpet. „RING RING RING RING RING RI.." i learned from my mistakes and take the batteries out quicker than yesterday despite the fact i lay on the ground. I look at my Iheart, Frank sent me a message , he wants that i go outside quick because he is waiting for me . Thats odd, why would he be up earlier than me? I don't question it long and start to dress myself, brush my teeth and don't eat breakfast which i am going to regret later on . The first thing i do after that is opening my oak door and in front of me is a dark skinned blond boy that conveniently is named Frank. „Hi Torch , Ray wanted that I go with you to him. " he greeted with a warm smile on his face. „You and Ray may finally have a Redemption " he continued glad . „Max! You're the one with the map, remember?" Frank said impatiently, looking at the boring grey street in front of my house. I wondered how he knows of the map , but I show him the secret path anyway . For some reason we cross a star shaped tree with yellow star shaped leaves that wasn't there yesterday, I don't care because we need to get to the path, because we could get late . It is even more beautiful than before, the calming tint orange pink  has brightened up, and the trees look even more aqua than before. Frank is so fascinated by everything this Path has to offer. He takes photos of the beauty of the path with his flip-Heart. „For how long have you been standing in front of my door actually ?" I ask a little concerned . „30 minutes" he answered. „Well i guess thats commitment" i respond surprised, not believing him in the slightest . I look up to the leaves and i notice that they are pink, i don't remember that they were pink. I rub it of and let Frank his hyperactive Fantasy morning. I look around trying to find the bench , which we weirdly are unable to find . I hear a scream outside the path in the woods, it scared me so much that i fall to the pinkish  ground. Wait pinkish?. I am so confused over the color of the grass that i nearly forget the Reason why i fell in the first place. „Why did you fall" asks Frank. „Didn't you hear the scream?" I ask with shivers crawling down my spine in response . He looks at me concerned, scared , serious at the same time while being full energy to take down an army:„What?!".„You didn't hear it did you." I say confused. „Should i be confused , scared or concerned. Because i have no idea." I say frustrated. „I think we should just walk to Ray ,on guard." He answers looking straight forward. For a split second everything turned grey and i stops , but then i just run up to Frank. At this point we are just walking in silence because we have no idea what can happening on this cursed path „isn't it weird that this path is either like a beautiful fairytale or complete dread that crawls on your spine"Frank asks with no emotion, which feels weird. Thats already dreadful enough , because there is always so much emotion that without i feel weird . It feels like the laws of physic's just bend around us, like in a weird dream that is so real that if i would wake up, i would be so happy because this is to much . After a while we finally arrived at Ray's house. „Lets hope things start to make sense", i say to myself after many hours of confusion not knowing whats about to happen .„Lets hope the Ray gun doesn't get mad at us , because we're a minute late." Frank says jokingly.„i'm sure he won't." I answer confident. I knock on his door, Frank also knocks on the door but makes it a little music number. Ray opens the door relieved that we came:„Thank goodness, i thought you might not even come."„Why?, we are only one Minute late." Frank says confused looking at his flip-heart showing that we are 2 minutes late . I look at the clock in the background, it shows that we are 30 minutes late somehow. „Well theres no time for that, i have to show you something." Ray says hesitant. He runs into his room, its full of led lights and neon pillows . He has a neon led gaming setup straight from the 2010s . On one of the dark walls is a crack. That Crack doesn't show the inners of the wall, it shows an entirely different place that no-one has ever seen. Trying to describe it in a sentence wouldn't give justice to how beautiful it looks. But i can tr-„that crack just appeared out of nowhere before i texted you yesterday and i had to show you guys." Ray starts explaining.: „I actually wanted to show you two this crack yesterday, but Frank was sick so i just chilled with you here Max ". I was intrigued and confused. I was about to ask if something weird has happened . But there was no time for that as we got sucked into that weird world without any explanation or idea what's going to happen .


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