Chapter 16 sanity

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„After a rest at the at this point quite damaged dark castle we get ready to try again. I already know that nothing is going to be going according to plan. So it doesn't matter too much otherwise we'll just fail again and in a few day Lilath needs to go back to the harbor to finally get home, so we basically are on a time limit too, and now my thoughts get too much and i should stop overthinking now, but it is hard to stop ones you start and-"„MAX! Who are you talking to in the bathroom?!" Lilath asks interrupting me in my dialog i accidentally said out loud.„No one!" I say shouting a little as i get out. Frank is still sleeping and Moonchester is cleaning his chainmail from under his helmet revealing his beautiful perfectly black hair which i have never seen before. It also is tied in a ponytail in the end looking more like a braid than anything. „I already know, this day is going to be a mess. They say its better to know. Nothing than every- everything ." I sing as I slowly go inside by how slow and stressful things have become. Like we are on a damn time limit And basically get ready for war again. „What are you doing Max?" Moonchester asks looking at me a little confused. I ignore the question and put on my armor and Helmet which seems to have a little damage from my scream from yesterday. Things in this more broken down castle look rather small than big like I remember it, but then again that was a while ago. Lilath now gets out of the bathroom being ready to get in her armor and try again like all of us. I trip and fall to the  ground, as i get back up time seem to have stopped like someone taking their hand of a toy. All of the sudden everyone continues to move again not even noticing that I basically moved faster than time for a second. „Well since that didn't matter I should probably ignore that and help Lilath get dressed." i say to myself with a little bit of irony as i go up to her. she just looks at me confused of what i mean, but that is just my idea and is probably wrong.„Why are you looking at me like you saw a ghost Max?" lilath says sounding oblivious of what just happened. Frank goes to to me lifting the tension that barely was there. despite that weird moment, everything seems to be going according to our plan that doesn't exist. everyone seems to be ready for the fight for Ray. Even me despite the fact that I don't remember putting on my armor, but that doesn't matter as we have no time to lose.  at this point i just accept that my tummy is screaming that something bad is going to happen, because of how many times i have felt it getting worse. Despite everything, i think that Ray probably has a good time there... i know it may seem odd, but i can imagine him hanging out with the bad guys. I mean, the old army has defenetly evolved from the last time, like nowadays they use modern weapons like guns and bombs. They did use small bombs back in the day, but they used to ussually use things like swords and spears. I wonder what happened to their dragons. I haven't seen any in this journey despite the fact that was their main vehicle, but i guess that isn't the case. Not to mention that i haven't seen any fairies. Maybe they are in their valley. I defenetivly have to go there. I look at Lilath, she reminds me of someone i met in the past, but lets not think about the bad stuff in the past.„Moonchester?" i ask. „What is it Max?" Says Moonchester. „do you remember the fairies?" I ask looking at him. He isn't as cold as he used to be back when i first came here as a kid. He is silent. „is everything alright?" i ask a little concerned. „i haven't heard that in a while" moonchester says seemingly trying to hide his feelings. „ is it safe to go there?" i ask. „nothing is safe here" he says, „right, right..." i say awkwardly. „so anyway see you in a few hours!" i say going on my way.„what? Why?" Lilath asks confused after hearing our conversation. „He's going to the fairies, they are good friends" explains Frank to Lilath as i go off. I know exactly where it is, this is the old evil castle, its a few miles away from the valley. I walk through a burned down forest, its very dark brown, like the burned wood is weirdly brown. There are barely actual trees here, mostly trees  that were burned down that only a stumb is there. The weirdly green gras gets deader the closer i get to the valley which is the opposite of what was back in the day the case. It was beautiful. Wait, the sky is a grey blue. This is either an illusion or the sky is the only thing left from its original beauty. I come to a broken down gate. There used to be a protecting shield attached to it, but thats not the case right now.„thats bad..." i look at the (now) broken down gate. It barely resembles itself. The gate is ussually locked, but thats not the case. It originally was made of light pink stone, but that has faded into grey, its just as dead as everything around it. I open the gate. Everything is dead in the valley, either burnt down or it somehow became stone which seems unlikely. I don't see anything living. I hear something, now its gone. It feels like something big is missing, its like the magic got drained out of this place and everything in it. Im walking through this dead piece of land. Im scared ro know what happened to the fairies... lets just go, i can't stand looking at them like they are. I go back through the dead forest back to the damaged dark castle. „How was it?" Frank asks, but im not going to say anything . „Max..." Frank comes into the room for the first time today. „Who were you talking to?" Frank looks confused after overhearing a non-important conversation. I'm not going to write the conversation. Im weirdly tired, goodnight—

Dear Max's Diary

So, this Is Lilath, I just read his diary realquick to see what exactly happened as i wasn't able to get anything from any conversations he had, he lately started not to include things, which is weird. The argument between the two wasn't the best, but since he didn't write anything about that here's a summery: Max had a weird conversation and then he woke up Frank and they had an argument similar to a previes one. I weirdly found out that he watched me sleep the first time we met. I mean, the first time we met i knew it was his world. I mean this damn place has his signature all over it, or at least it used to be him in control. From all his reactions, i noticed that the place didn't used to be this way and from reading this i noticed his motivation of getting everything back the way it used to. The weird temple was really just nonsense and never gets brought up again. Thats kind of the entire feel since he came here a week ago. Despite the fact i have read his diary i still don't quite trust him. But then again, i'm writing in his diary, so i should stop writing. 

So, Lilath gave me Max's diary and wanted me to  write  my thoughs, but in all actuallity there really isn't much to add to what Lilath has written, but yeah. He woke me, seemingly talking to me despite the fact that i was sleeping and he just came. When we first split up i ran into the opposite side of the forest and he, the other  way. It looked similar to what i saw except for that temple Max found. I noticed that he left out a lot of dialog, like really noticable, even for me. Bye


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