Chapter 4 snow

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„so you like sports?" Ray asks the thing not even wanting to try pronouncing its name feeling uncomfortable . It responses with a simple nod without trying to scare him like the first time they met. They both go to a replica of my map in a bigger size, they see us chilling eating some bread in a pause after a few things had happened, „ I wonder what they're first adventure is going to be " Ray says curious as if he is watching  a show,  he wants to be rescued but also is enjoying it, he seems to be building a friendship with "it" but it is pretty chill if anything.

Going back to us. Frank and I are going to the pink grassy field. Instead of a warming feeling entering an esthetic i love, i get overwhelmed by cold wind flowing through the pink grass and into the air. Frank doesn't seem to mind the freezing temperature in the summer, while we both got shivers crawling down our spines as we both walk through the empty field. I thought the more we go inside the area the warmer does the glow of this area get. That is not the case, instead it got more and more grey the further we got and instead of warmth it got colder to the point where everything was covered in snow. Despite the weather condition there were the weakest tree's you could ever imagine just chilling , not moving a little bit. However the big strong trees, just barely don't fall down , luckily not crashing into any of those houses in that small snowy town.„this looks beautiful I wish I could live here" I say looking at the esthetic and wanting to stay here.„You know that you can't, right?" Frank says on guard seemingly focusing on the mission. He is that kinda guy that ones focused on something , he stays focused. „where would I be without you" I say to Frank smiling a little.„you'd be knocking on doors asking how much the rent is" Frank looking around. He was so correct about that, that I fell on the white snow , which had into pastel pink as I land on it. We both burst out laughing , and he seemed more relaxed but still not quite, with a stressed looking expression. The houses look abandoned despite the fact that there are clearly people living here. The longer I am here outside in the cold, the more numb I feel. I start not being able stand , Frank looks at me in fear and screams at me:„MAX!! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE TO SUFFER LIKE YOU!! STAY WITH ME HERE!!" you can hear all the emotion in his voice as I fall to the ground unconscious.


I wake up In an Hospital bed which randomly changes color and keeps wobbling around like liquid ,while I'm barely able to see properly, I feel half dead , cold and numb
Max! You're back!!" Frank says trying to sound the most desperate he ever has. Next to him is what I think is a nurse as I can't make out what is standing there. I can see Frank but I just see something that is barely there and only distorted colors.„Wher- a m I?" I ask barely being able to think or talk.  The "nurse" told Max that i have to stay the night there and he needs to find somewhere to stay. I didn't hear the "nurse" talk i just somehow knew it in my head. I try concentrating on the walls of what my best guess is a hospital. They are those tiles you would see in an hospital. However they are blue which i just noticed. „where am i ?" I ask exhausted . „i brought you to the nearest hospital in the area." Frank answers a little relieved and worried at the same time. „ As it stands you have to stay here for a night here while I have to stay somewhere." He continues sounding like talking to a pet. „I know ..." I answer confused of the exposition. Frank just looks at me confused standing on the weirdly colored checker pattern that is the flooring. I touch the bed with my hand but My hand is cold and numb and doesn't feel it which makes me worried. „I very well could actually die here" I stutter to myself looking at my panicking shaking hands. Realizing the tension and danger this has makes panicking so much that I fall again becoming unconscious.

„Hello Mr Torchier?" Someone I don't recognize asks seemingly after a while.„Mr Torchier are you dead?"for some reason that's what I wake up to in the middle of the night, at least I think it's night. "I saw the panic attack you had in the evening." The not familiar voice continues.„I guess I'm a little better. " I answer tired and scared.„ah good... you're awake " the voice says with a bit of sarcasm . I try to find the person but they are nowhere to be found and the voice is gone. I am so confused that I fall of the uncomfortable hospital bed and land on my face.„yay." I say as sarcastic as i ever sounded. The "nurse" seems to come into the room, or at least the basic colors of "it". The "nurse" is saying that I will be here for a while because I have the worst cold ever that if I came here a minute late, I wouldn't have survived. I am glad that I did but it makes sense considering I wore nothing than a hoodie so... . The "nurse" explains to me that my chance of survival is 50%. I have no idea that a simple cold can kill you that easily here, I Try to say it but I just stutter so i stop. I have a feeling that Frank could come in any second but I'm not sure.„why is the chance of death so high here" i finally ask the "nurse" after a little bit of struggling. "It" goes outside, walking past "it" Is Frank very worried, it is so noticeable that you can feel him shivering. All of the sudden it becomes bright red in the room , like a reflection of the sky. A remnant of the trauma first entering here. „Max!" Frank says relieved,„your condition is now way better , you can finally go back!". My eyes sparked with joy so much, that All of my muscles no matter how big or small moved uncontrollable.„wow, nah I let you this moment" frank say comedic with a smirk. Before we left this color draining hospital we both bought jackets, because this doesn't need to happen again. As we walk through the streets we don't see anyone but then I noticed that everyone living there is just blurry colors. Which makes sense considering the snow is still white, despite the fact by the logics of this world it should be a different color, but I digress. We go into a shop because we ran out of food since the picnic. We go through this shop which looks like a party exploded there, the "food" is just like that at home except it's all black and white with a few color variations no one could imagine.the more we got Into this store the more weird it got. After 10 minutes of walking through the store we got to products with colors that don't exist, like an entire separate color wheel that is indescribable with words. We get some blue chips/crisps, green toast and some yellow salami , none of those things look good but it's the best we have with our money. As we exit the town, the wild snow is no further than the border.


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