Chapter 6 taped up

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The temple feels special because unlike my world grey is a very uncommon color here. I feel a tight squeeze from the air however there is no one. Ever since that argument with Frank i haven't  seen him at all. The dark purple forest is pretty light in comparison from the temple, but despite that it still is mesmerizingly dark. In the corner of my eye i see an angry looking shadow person, i don't know how i know the feeling from a shadow, but who knows. I look at it which makes it not the corner of my eye anymore and disappears. After doing business in the bush i look at the map noticing so many paths to the castle. They all seem to be the same distance but something drags me to one part specifically: the lagoon. For some reason that place keeps to get my attention. As a weird thing as that is, i put it on my way that im planning right now. My current path obviously starts in the forest and ends at the "dark" castle, but i have mainly no idea where to go except the lagoon. The most logical thing would probably be to go to the autumn area that is around the forest but after that is probably going to be a surprise. Enough sitting around, lets go to that autumn area. I walk through the weird lavender smelling forest seemingly going forever.„Lets hope its not going to be a loophole." I say to myself a little annoyed. But despite that the purple slowly becomes almost calming, until i hear another howling of a wolf and i start running, starting to panic. I eventually get to the end of the forest looking like it is cut of by the orange autumn area. As i enter i feel the temperature changing unlike when i first entered the woods.the very neutral temperature bashes against the light coldness the forest has. I think about the argument i had with Frank and looking back, i never felt safe around him, i just never tried to look at his red flags. I still am conflicted about him because i have so many great memories with him, but i also have many not so great ones about him. „why does everything has to be so complicated, like why can't i have a non toxic best friend?"I cried out loud. I nearly started crying the more i realized how bad he really is. Yet, i still i have so many "good" memories about him that i can't figure my thoughts of him anymore. I know that he isn't 100% bad, but he definitely isn't less than 50% either. I fall to the orange grass as i try to figure Frank out without success. I know that this may seem a waste of time, but i'm completely overthinking the last 10 years of our friendship. I wish there is someone i could tell all of this and get to relax a little bit, but i can't , this entire journey was caused because of some stupid forced friendship with Ray that was planned from Frank. On the ground i just feel miserable, like a dirty clump of clay probably forever stuck like that, with no way to undo all of the damage. There may be a way to get of some of it, but not all. The disappointment of him slowly goes up to my brain , nearly giving me a mental breakdown. I grab an yellow flower that lies on the ground, petting it to calm me down. It weirdly feels like fur, but it isn't. Despite that I'm actually going mad. As I brush with my fingers over the "fur" of the flower one last time before I get up, it turns into dust. As I get up I pack something from my bag pack out, my old diary that I started 10 years ago. I always keep it with me to insure that I don't make the same mistake twice. I open the book and flip through the pages, i stop when i realize a taped up page. Its more of a short entry, but it is exactly i mean.

7th June xxxx

Dear diary: I need a break, like i can't take it anymore. All my friends have left me to die against Ray. In fact they JOINED HIM. So instead of getting bullied by one person, I get bullied by twenty something. I guess hiding in the school bathroom isn't a good option anymore. Im not even in my home i'm safe because of Frank.

Thank you diary for letting me express my feelings

It is a double page, but the over side is blank. As i read it my heart nearly goes completely down bringing me to the ground. I try to go back up but i can't stop thinking and crying about it:„The fact that i taped this page"i take a deep breath which doesn't help.„its just sad" i lay on the orange grass. The weather starts to shift into rain. I put my diary pack in my bag pack, get up and search for shelter. After a few minutes of walking i find a small colorful town which i enter. In that town, which the sign says is called heelith. I go into a shop calming myself down one breath after another. I get looked at by others just standing there, probably just shopping. After a few minutes of calming myself down i go outside and seemingly the rain has completely vanished. „thats weird, didn't it just start raining?" I ask myself confused in the madness of this place. A person comes up to me looking like the most human looking person that i have seen in this place not including Frank, Ray and me.„Hi my name is Lilath. " the person says their long black hair flowing down their neck. „Hi my name is Max" i response accordingly . „what are your pronounce?Mine are he/him" I ask curious. „Mine are she/her" Lilath responses a little shy. Her brown eyes are black in comparison to mine.  „why are you here" i ask out of curiosity. „like you i came from a crack in an wall." She answers calmly pointing at me. She wears a white sweatshirt that seems to be knitted. „ Do you want to come to my place?" She asks. „You have a house?" I ask surprised. She pulls out some brown glasses and starts to laugh a little nervous.„you don't right?" I ask.„yeah ...." She answers playing with her hair .


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