Chapter 8 Oh... its you

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I'm still standing in front of her bed watching her sleep. Lilath wakes up and sees me looking at her, at this point i'm cringing so hard, but despite that we both start laughing a bit. After a few minutes of us just laughing i ask her one question again:„If bad people bomb places to destroy humans, why hasn't this place been blown up?" „i am actually wearing a disguise that only lets other humans see me of who i am." She kinda explains.„Wait, shouldn't this place be in trouble, because i was seen in public." I say panicking. Lilath looks at me and laughs a little: „ the way the disguise works is that only humans can see humans as humans. I installed it in the entire town" i look at her confused on how she did it without getting caught, but despite that it feels good having someone. After all of this time, i feel like something bad is going to happen. I rub it off as just a random thought, but i'm not forgetting it. I open the curtains letting the red sky's light in, nearly blinding us both. I put on my jeans and hoodie and get to the store next door to get a toothbrush and paste, Lilath kindly gives me 3 dollars for it. Both things combined however cost only 2 dollars here. I give Lilath the dollar change, after that quick shopping experience. After brushing my teeth for the first time in a few days we both get ready to go out of the house , when i had a quick idea. I wanted to see where Frank is right now, i am able to see his location relative to me thanks to my iHeart and i can find the place thanks to my map. „wait..." i say surprised. „he is in the town right now." I say a little confused.„Who?" Lilath asks confused.„The other person i came here with, Frank" i say looking at the IHeart and map only to see the exact same spot where he is.„Was that the one you had a fight with?" She asks to be sure.„Yes, that one..." i say asking myself if i'm still asleep.„How did he find me?" Looking at my hands to be sure im not dreaming.„Maybe he went a similar path that you went." Lilath says trying to explain it herself.i say:„You know, maybe we both won't cross the stree-" „KNOCK KNOCK"i get interrupted by a knocking coming from the door.„KNOCK KNOCK, KNOCK KNOCK." It happens again. Confused if why someone would knock on the door Lilath opens it. Surprising no one at this point standing there is Frank, looking a little beat up. „Hello, Is Max here?" He asks sounding a little tired. „Why are you HERE?" I ask frustrated and tired of him.„Well..." he looks to the side„Despite us being here for nearly a week, you still have the only map from us both." „You have your phone." I say in response.:„you still have a tracker with Ray's exact coordinates!" I say slowly going mad around him.He shows his phone tracker, Ray isn't on there anymore. My best guess is that his phone probably died. „come inside..." i say a little tired, moaning in annoy-ins. Lilath comforts me with a hug that is exactly what i need. Calming myself down is hard around Him. I pack my stuff to get ready For the way to the "dark" castle. „Lilath do you wanna come with us?" I ask her calmly. She nods with a smile on her freckle-full face. She gets ready and dresses up. She wears black leggings, purple shirt and dark purple jacket. As a finishing touch, a thin silver necklace. It took us both so long that The sun was completely gone and Frank fell asleep on the couch. We both just look at him wondering how it could have ever taken so long. „what" i say confused looking at my iheart. How did it take us an entire day, just for us to be extremely late, like if time was faster here. „why does everything have to be so fast, i didn't even have breakfast, AGAIN." I say completely tired of the situation and just wanting peace. Lilath turns the Tv on and we see the news (again). This time it was different, it didn't start with the bombing of places. It was just silence with a big broken building. And then i get it. I start crying so hard that i fall to the ground, tears rolling down my face as the bombed news building is just there in silence. Lilath looks at me confused not understanding the reasoning of my tears falling on a suffering face that looks miserable. For her she just saw a destroyed building and did not understand it, while looking at someone who is just crying on the floor. Then a sudden crackling voice starts to say something: „if those "humans" get mentioned on any network again , well you now what will happen." As the camera fades to black we hear a gunshot and there is a error message. I get ready to bed in just silence. After that broadcast, all the lights randomly start flickering without warning. After an very quick getting ready i go to the mattress and make myself comfortable, while Lilath goes in her bed cuddling her plushies, under her blanket scared. I feel frozen in the blanket, as the news channels destruction gives me a tummy ache just thinking about it. „what exactly happened there?" Lilath asks not understanding it. I look to the side trying to get enough emotional stability to explain it: „well... the news headquarters that was shown, or at least what is left of it got bombed, probably right after the starting of the filming. And then the bombers came and... " i fall of the mattress starting to ugly cry again. Lilath gets out of her bed and hugs me, comforting me in a way no one has in a long time. I fall asleep in her arms and she puts me back to my mattress and puts herself back in bed.


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