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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"HEYY, WAKE UP!" I heard from my kitchen, my body sore from last night's boxing match as the smell of food hit me.

"*groan* what the hell?" Slowly I had gotten up, barely holding myself up as I walked into my kitchen to see Daesu and Gyeong cooking breakfast.

"...I'm never giving y'all a key to my apartment ever again," I say, rubbing my eyes as the two look at me.

"Finally the boxing princess is awake" Gyeong laughed "hey at least we know the other girl wasn't the only one knocked out" Daesu laughed as well.

"Y'all are so annoying" I rolled my eyes before walking off to my bathroom to get ready for the day, my hair currently in braids with the help of Daesu and the promise of a food run later tonight.

Today I only had baseball practice one of very few since the season was ending., our coach said we'd be getting our bodies loose and stuff because of how busy our schedule had been previously.

But anyways after getting out of the shower and getting ready, my muscles still aching a bit, I had gotten dressed.

And so I decided to wear something relaxed, the school always took pity on me which I normally hated, but I didn't mind taking advantage of it if it meant I could wear whatever I wanted.
Hair and fit check

Once dressed I walked out to see the food already out on the table, Daesu leaving my pans out to dry after washing them

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Once dressed I walked out to see the food already out on the table, Daesu leaving my pans out to dry after washing them.

"This one's yours," Gyeong said, pointing at a bowl of chicken porridge in front of my usual spot, and eggs and scallion pancakes in the middle of the table for us.

"Y'all ready for today?" I asked before taking a bite of food, "yeah, I heard we're doing notes in Ms. Park's class" Daesu said with a mouth full of food, making me roll my eyes at him.

"What about you Gyeong?" "I'm always ready, actually I'm double ready" the boy grinned, both me and Daesu laughing at the boy's statement, knowing he'd probably fall asleep in the first ten minutes of class.

After finishing breakfast the three of us grabbed our backpacks before leaving my apartment, and walking to school, Daesu forced us to stop at the convenience store before finally making it to school.

"2 minutes- ah miss where's your uniform?" The coach asked before realizing it was me "a-ah sorry about that, have a good day" the man said.

"No offense but I'm the only black person here, you'd think they'd remember," I say "adults are just like that sometimes" Gyeong shrugged just as I bumped into Gwi-nam, he and his friends turned to me, Chang-hoon whistling at me.

"There you are Angel" Gwi-nam said to me with a grin "you look so fine Y/n, you should come home with me later and forget that nerd boyfriend," Myeong-hwan said to me, the man and his friends always making gross comments towards girls and me whenever they got the chance.

"Sorry but I'd much rather spend the day with my boyfriend who isn't the same height as a roach, but then again you look like one too," I say, Myeong's "friends" laughing at him as we walked off from them.

"I love seeing that asshole get knocked down a few" Daesu said as we walked up the staircase.

"Same, and it's so satisfying coming from Y/n" Gyeong stated "you guys are so weird honestly," I say before greeting a few people in the jr halls, eventually walking into our class.

"There you are Y/n" Ji-min pointed out, my friends turning to see me and the two boys walk in, everyone saying good morning as usual but I realized my boyfriend currently had his AirPods in and had his attention on his phone.

With this opportunity I decided to sneak up on the boy, slowly walking over, my hands up and ready to grab his shoulders, but just before I could, he turned to me.

"You're never going to scare me" "wow, you won't even let me try at least Joon?" I asked, annoyed that Joon-yeong wouldn't let me mess with him.

"We'll see," the boy said as I sat down next to him, feeling his lips press against my cheek.

"Anyways you did good last night, are you okay though?" He asked, Joon-yeong always had a habit of checking in on me after my games and matches or just whenever.

"Joon we were on call for two hours after my match, I'm fine, just sore," I say before cracking my back, my entire spine cracking.

"I know but I still want to check" he rolled his eyes at me, only laughing when I flicked his arm.

"Aww look at the couple" Wu-Jin pointed out as I flicked him off, Cheong and On-Jo walked into class after I did that, Ms. Park walking in as well, having everyone put their phones up as usual, mine instantly being put on silent and being placed into my backpack.

*ding ding* "it's always you two" our teacher shook her head as Su-hyeok and Daesu came up and placed their phones in the cubby before we were finally able to get the class started.

As I wrote down the notes, answering a few questions whenever I knew the answer, Cheong could be heard laughing in the back.

"Cheong, is there something funny in here?" Ms. Park asked with an amused look as we all looked at the boy.

"No, I was just thinking" "well if you were thinking, what did you think about Joon-yeong's explanation?" The woman asked, all of us quietly laughing.

"It was an explanation" the boy answered, a laugh pulling out of me, not expecting something so dumb to be said as an "answer".

"Mhm, try paying attention Cheong" Ms. Park advised before going back to the chalkboard.

Finally, school was over and I went to baseball practice, all of us doing stretches and light exercises that stretched the whole body out.

"So Y/n, how's that boyfriend of yours?" My teammate Eun asked me, the girl's long brown hair in a high ponytail, her eyes set on me as we stretched.

"We're good, he's started tutoring people recently too," I say, knowing someone as smart as him should be getting paid 50 an hour in my opinion.

"That's nice of him, *sigh* I wish I had a boyfriend like yours, mine is just an idiot" the girl complained "at least you have one" Mi-cha, a girl with black collarbone length hair had said.

"Min-Jun hasn't responded to your confession?" I asked, surprised, obviously a bit too into this information and not in my stretching, my coach yelling at us.

But eventually, the practice technical ended a bit early but everyone had turned it into study hall till leaving.

"Joon-yeong? I thought you'd be tutoring" I say, not thinking I'd see him waiting out here for me.

"I wanted to walk you come, so come on" the boy confessed, already holding my hand in his own as we started to walk.

"So how was your day?" I asked "it's the same as usual, the only good part was seeing you," Joon-yeong says before taking a glance at me.

"Hm, I guess I could say the same or whatever" I looked away with a smile, knowing my boyfriend liked me saying stuff like that.

After walking we eventually made it to my apartment, the two of us now standing outside my door.

"Thank you for walking me home, Joon" "it's nothing, anyways don't forget we're supposed to be hanging out later this week" "mhm I won't forget" I smiled before kissing the boy, feeling his palm lightly press against my cheek as we kissed.

And once we pulled away, telling each other goodnight, I headed into my apartment for the night.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1344

𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬- 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐘/𝐧Where stories live. Discover now