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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"And done," I say after sweeping the class floor, finally able to go home.

"Uh Y/n" I-sak started, she and On-Jo looking as if they had seen something.

"What?" I asked, my backpack already in hand as I looked at the two, following I-sak's pointed finger, seeing that it lead to Joon-yeong who currently had a short girl talking to him.

"Oh, that's it?" I asked, confused about why I should care till seeing the girl repeatedly laugh and touch my boyfriend's arms or chest, the boy moving back or moving her hand each time.

"Mkay I get it now," I say, about to walk over til seeing the girl holding out her name tag, my jaw nearly falling to the ground, knowing it was a very, very, VERY known fact that I and Joon were together.

But before I could get closer I could see Joon almost laugh at the girl before having her keep the name tag, the boy walked away after while the girl seemed upset at him.

"Oh wow, that went better than expected," Hyo-ryung said, she and the girls having the classroom window open to watch things go down.

"Yeah I know, should have known though, he's a big boy" I grinned knowing Joon heard me say that.

"You're only two inches taller!" I heard him yell at me "where'd the rest go?!" I yelled back, knowing those kinds of jokes always had the boy blushing but he wasn't that innocent once taking me home to answer the question, always proving that there were more than just two inches being hidden.

But anyways as I made my way home, I stopped at the store to do some grocery shopping, knowing I might as well get it done instead of putting it off.

So I grabbed a cart and got to shopping, remembering the things I needed or will need shortly.

Just as I was grabbing cheese, Daesu always running through my cheese whenever he's come over, I felt a tap on my shoulder, seeing that it was Joon-yeong's mom, the woman still in her work clothes.

"Hi, Mrs. Oh" I say, giving the woman a hug "what did I say about calling me that? Call me mom" the woman insisted.

"Sorry it's just a habit," I say, seeing the woman nod "mhm well how are you? Joon's been talking to me about all of your boxing matches, I'll be going to the next one"

"Oh really?" I questioned, knowing that even though Joon's mom may seem proper and put together, she was always the loudest and wildest at my boxing matches.

"Yep, so be ready" she chuckled along with me, and the two of us talked for a bit longer, the woman also asked about Mr. Lee since it's been four days and the man still ain't back from who knows what.

But after that conversation I finished up my shopping before heading back home, also stopping at a cafe to get myself a drink and a snack before actually going home, falling asleep right after unpacking my groceries.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 530

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