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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Today was finally Y/n and Joon-yeong's date, the two getting ready as excitement raced through their veins.

To anyone from the outside, they thought Joon wasn't the most loving or caring boyfriend around, the boy always seeming so straightforward and never really ever showing care toward most around.

But for Y/n he was a completely different person, he just doesn't know how to express himself.

So when he saw Y/n's favorite hair care line had been in a small shop, the boy instantly bought the entire line plus some other stuff he knew were things Y/n liked or had been talking about.

Joon-yeong has always been worried about his relationship with Y/n, and when the girl had given him her name tag plus confessed her feeling to him during their first year of high school, the boy knew he wanted to make things work and make sure Y/n knew he truly did like her, and at this point, it may have even turned into love if he were honest.

But anyways Y/n had just gotten out of the shower, now getting dressed after washing her face.
Fit check

"To damn fine" Y/n boasted, flexing her arms for a moment, seeing her muscles were sort of hidden, almost surprised at the new muscle growth

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"To damn fine" Y/n boasted, flexing her arms for a moment, seeing her muscles were sort of hidden, almost surprised at the new muscle growth.

But anyways after looking at herself, there was a knock on the door, obviously Joon-yeong, making Y/n rush to grab her phone and purse before going to the door, and opening it to her boyfriend.
Joon-Yeong's fit

Y/n loved admiring her boyfriend, and she was fully aware that the boy was watching her do this, but she was also aware that he was doing the same as well

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Y/n loved admiring her boyfriend, and she was fully aware that the boy was watching her do this, but she was also aware that he was doing the same as well.

"You look good," Joon said to Y/n, the girl looking back up to meet his gaze.

"You do too" she smiled, a feeling of nervousness in the two despite being together for almost an entire year.

"Well let's go, I still have to give you your gift," Joon-yeong said, today able to drive his parents' other car for the date, his parents loving Y/n like she were their daughter.

"Alright then, lead the way," Y/n says as they left her apartment, holding hands after she locked the door.

Once in the car, Joon reached into the backseat to grab the gift bag he had put together, handing it to Y/n.

"Oh wow, this is heavy," she said, looking over at the boy before looking through the bag, seeing a black and purple stuffed bear and some Kuromi-themed stuff, but what had caught my eye was the hair products, an entire line inside this bag.

"You got this for me?" "Well, I said it was for you didn't I?" Joon-yeong stated, always confused about why Y/n was always surprised as if he wouldn't buy the world for her if possible.

"Yeah but this has to be like a hundred dollars or something," Y/n says while looking at the boy, grateful but also worried he was going broke by getting this stuff.

"It's nothing, tutoring has been paying off and my parents still give me an allowance, and either way I don't mind getting you things," the boy says.

"Mhm, well thank you, this means a lot" "anything for you" the boy stated, and after a short moment of looking at each other, the two kissed, Y/n played with the hair on the boy's neck while Joon deepened the kiss a bit, addicted to Y/n.

But Y/n had to pull away, knowing that if she didn't they'd be doing something else instead of going on their date.

"Let's get this date started big boy" Y/n grinned, the nickname started as a joke once she started getting taller than the boy, Joon rolled his eyes at the statement.

"Yeah okay"

The streets were lively at this time of night, Y/n was too busy looking out of the windows to even realize Joon's hand on her thigh, only realizing when she looked over to see him making a turn with one hand.

'I'm so happy I'm dating this man'

Eventually, Joon-yeong parked his car, getting out of the car first so he could open the door for Y/n, girls who were walking by, getting jealous of the treatment Y/n was getting.

"So where are going to specifically?" Y/n asked, her eyes landing on a cute store before her view was covered by Joon's hand.

"Don't even start, anyways I was able to get tickets for one of those illusion museums you've been talking about" Joon-yeong stated before grabbing Y/n's hand so they could go in.

Just as they walked in neon colors were glowing in the blacked-out area, the couple's jewelry glowing under the black light.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
After Joon showed the staff our tickets we were let in, now walking around.

"I wanna find that mirror room, we could get some good pictures there," I say "yeah but we'd have to wait in line" my boyfriend pointed out as I glanced at the long line.

"....maybe we can take pictures there another time" I simply spoke as we found a different area, the floor in this room was like a bounce house, with everyone having to take their shoes off before getting in.

"Come on Joon," I say, pulling my boyfriend over to me as we jumped around, the two of us laughing and smiling.

"Oh shit" with those two words we had slipped, me and Joon crashing into each other, Joon's arms wrapped around me as I landed on top of him.

"Pft, are you okay?" I laughed, only laughing harder when I was pushed off of the boy.

"You're so annoying sometimes" Joon laughed before helping me up.

"Sure I am"

After making our way through almost every room, taking some pictures together with me also unaware that Joon had taken some of me, we eventually left the museum while giggling.

"You wanna go to the photo booth?" I asked, seeing a pink booth not that far from us.

"Yeah let's go"

Once in the Photo Booth, we were trying to plan our poses.

"How about this" Joon said before picking me up and having me sit on his lap, the boy was way stronger than most would think.

"Damn at least warn me" I laughed just in time for the photo to be taken.

"I will next time," Joon said before we took a funny picture for the next two, our last one being of the two of us kissing, Joon dipping me back a little while I also wore his glasses.

Once we pulled away I couldn't help but smile "you're a good kisser you know" I grinned "mhm, you are too" he smiled, grabbing his glasses off of my face so we can grab our photo cards and leave the booth.

The rest of our date went on with the two of us just enjoying each other's company before going home for the night, the two enjoying the moment before we had to end our night.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1213

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