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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Today I had boxing practice after school, me and a girl named Seo-jun having a mock match during practice.

Anyways I was walking to lunch by myself after staying back to ask Ms. Park a question, but as I walked I felt someone grab my ass, turning to see that it was Myeong, Giw-nam and Chang-hoon laughing.

"Ew get the fuck off," I say, pushing the boy off of me "calm down sweetheart," Myeong said "yeah we just wanted a little feel, no big deal" Giw-nam defended with a grin.

"Oh yeah, no big deal" I smiled before punching both boys in the face, being sure to hit Myeong's nose, now watching it bleed.

"What the fuck? You made my fucking nose bleed" Myeong yelled while holding onto his nose.

"It's not a big deal though," I said with fake sympathy before walking away from the boys, not noticing the audience I had created.

"Hey y'all" I smiled at my friend group as I sat down, taking only one bite of my food before everyone started talking about earlier.

"the day's not even over and you're going viral again," Su-hyeok said as the table held up their phones that showed the video of me punching the boys.

"Hey, those were some good hits honestly," I say after watching myself "mhm, let me see your hand," Joon-yeong said as I held out my hands for him to look at.

"You're fine, but be careful, we need our star boxer to be okay," the boy said "yeah I almost forgot about that" "how do you forget that you're our number 1 boxer?" I-sak asked as if what I said was a shock.

"I don't know, it's just something I forget about easily" "mhm, that's what stars say all the time," Gyeong said, him and Cheong throwing fake punches with random sound effects.

Time skip
Finally, I was done with boxing practice for today Daesu and Wu-Jin there chilling till I was done.

"Hey let's get bbq," Daesu said as we decided to take the bus.

"Of course, you'd pick that" Wu-Jin laughed "what's that supposed to mean?" Daesu questioned "cause we always get that when you pick," I say, Wu-Jin agreeing with me.

"Well then you pick" "no" we simply say, the two of us crossing our legs in sync.

"Why not?" "Cause we want bbq" Wu-jin stated, with me nodding my head, Daesu getting annoyed with us.

Once the bus stopped and we walked for a short while, but we made it to the restaurant and getting a table in a corner, Daesu already ordering all of the meats he wanted, me and Wu-Jin reminded him of the things we wanted, the boy happily ordering those as well.

"Hey, y'all wanna stay the night?" I asked, a popular question because I wasn't that fond of living alone honestly.

"I was staying over anyways" Daesu shrugged while taking a sip of his sprite.

"What about you brother-in-law?" The boy asked "obviously I'm staying over, you guys can't just leave me out of the fun" Wu-Jin rolled his eyes.

"Great then" I smiled, truly grateful to have my friends and even Joon-yeong.

Anyways we had gotten started on grilling our food, and Daesu already trying to pick out picked he wanted, laughing and apologizing when I kicked him for trying to take the pics I picked.

"Mhm, careful" I warned as Wu-Jin giggled "yeah whatever," Daesu said before putting the piece on my rice.

After eating and effectively clearing our food, we stopped at a convenience store that was close to my apartment, going there to get sweets and snacks before going to my place.

"Ah, my back hurts" Daesu complained "maybe if you fixed that posture, you wouldn't be complaining" Wu-Jin laughed "don't bully your brother-in-law" the boy complained, pushing Wu-Jin as we sat our backpacks down.

"Alright, y'all let's not fight...in my house. But anyways I'm gonna change in my bathroom, y'all already know where the change of clothes is" I say, having specific storage boxes for everyone's clothes since they've all insisted on staying over more than once.

As I got changed, popping my neck for a quick second, I had gotten a text from Joon-yeong.


How come I wasn't invited to stay over?🤨

: Y/n
I'm sorry Joon, I should of asked

No, I'm just joking, but I got you something
for our date

: Y/n
What is it?🧍🏾‍♀️

I can't tell you💀

: Y/n

𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭

After texting for a little longer, I realized I'd been standing in the middle of my bathroom without a shirt on, my boobs out cause I made the decision to throw out any bra that's not a sports bra thanks to all of the bra wires trying to kill me.

But after throwing on an oversized shirt that was Joon's, I had finally left my bathroom to see my two friends chilling on my bed, Wu-Jin laying across the foot of my bed while Daesu chilled on the spot next to my usual spot, the two eating our snacks, Daesu scrolling through the tv channels.

"There you are, almost thought you died," Wu-Jin said as I got onto my bed, Daesu handing me my snacks.

"Y'all always expect the worst" I laughed "yeah cause you're crazy," Daesu said as if it was a well-known fact...which it is if I'm being honest.

"Man let's watch a movie," I say, grabbing my remote from the boy and going over to Netflix.

"Let's watch something scary" Wu-Jin suggested "no" I simply said, knowing I couldn't deal with anything passed zombie movies.

"Yeah you know Y/n's scared of that stuff," Daesu said as I flicked him off.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes before picking a movie, getting comfortable as it started.

And I don't know how tired we truly were or how long this movie was, because at some point I had fallen asleep, and the same was said for the two boys.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1042

𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬- 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐘/𝐧Where stories live. Discover now