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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"I'll race y'all in" I challenged the boys as we walked to school, all of them looking at me with hopeful grins.

"You'll lose" "really?" I asked before breaking out into a sprint, everyone yelling at me as I jumped the fence and ran passed security, accidentally pushing Na-yeon.

"SORRY" I yelled, looking back to see Gyeong had pushed the girl over, Na-yeon yelling at him as we all kept running even into the school with me making it to class first.

"Whew, that was easy" I laughed, watching the boys run in while huffing and puffing about me cheating.

"I didn't cheat, y'all are just lazy" I laughed as Wu-jin pushed me "you're the cheater," the boy said, still out of breath.

"Mhm yeah okay," I say, fixing my outfit and braids that Daesu helped me style.
Hair and fit check

After fixing myself up, Joon-yeong greeted me with a quick kiss, everyone in the class was there except for Hyeon-ju Na-yeon making her presence known after picking on Gyeong again

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After fixing myself up, Joon-yeong greeted me with a quick kiss, everyone in the class was there except for Hyeon-ju Na-yeon making her presence known after picking on Gyeong again.

"Has anyone seen Hyeon-ju or texted her at all?" Ms. Park asked.

"We cleaned the science lab yesterday, but I left before her" Joon explained, "okay, if anyone heard from her, let me know okay?" Ms. Park says with all of us agreeing.

Finally, we had gotten class started, talking about human nature and prejudice, a few eyes somehow looking at me a few times.

'Damn, glad to be reminded of why I talk to the same people every day' I thought but all of a sudden Hyeon-ju walked into the class looking all bloody and messed up, the girl collapsing to the ground while we all stood up.

"Oh shit" "he grabbed me, the science teacher grabbed me and locked me up" the girl explained in a daze, all of us shocked while sharing eyes contact, my stomach still turning but this time I trusted my gut.

"Nam-ra, make sure they all stay in here and keep quiet," Ms. Park said before leaving with On-Jo, I-sak, and Su-Hyeok to take Hyeon-ju to the nurse, leaving us in the class alone.

"I'm so happy I keep my phone on silent," I say to myself, feeling on edge and rechecking my backpack, remembering that I had brought my hand wraps with me instead of leaving them in my gym back.

"Are you okay?" Joon-yeon asked me as I shook my head "I think something's gonna happen" I confess, playing with my nails for a moment, seeing that this was the first time that Joon wasn't able to deny my suspicions, meaning I was probably right.

"I knew Mr. Lee was weird," Hyo said as we all gathered around each other.

"Yeah ever since he left, even before then actually, he's been weird" I state, tapping my foot.

"Maybe she went somewhere and got hurt," Ji-min said, all of us denying that idea, knowing you couldn't just get hurt like that on a whim.

"He did something" Cheong agreed with me "yeah but maybe he's going after all the people who bullied his son" Wu-Jin suggested.

"Like some movie-type shit," Gyeong joked, all of us shooting him a look that showed it wasn't the time for jokes, the boy apologizing while we tried to guess what had happened.

After a bit the I-sak come back, all of us going over to her to tell her what happened.

"I'll tell you, guys, later" she started, but after a bit of convincing I-sak was singing a different tune, all of us hanging onto every word she spoke.

"She was like ice cold, and she had a weird smell" I-Sak explained "that corps smell that Mr. Lee has," I say, Wu-Jin snapping his finger "exactly that" the boy stated.

"And she said he gave her a strange shot" "what a psycho" "it's probably a drug or something, y'all see how she was acting?" I say, I-sak agreeing with my suspicion.

"All of this is making me hungry," Daesu said, all of us sighing at his words "lunch isn't that long from now, just wait," Hyo said to him.

Finally, lunch had rolled arriving and despite the looks, I had gotten, I had taken my backpack with me, keeping my phone in my bag.

"Do you have to take it with you?" Gyeong asked "yes, something's wrong and I don't like it," I say as we all say down to eat.

"Joon don't you think she's being weirder than usual?" Gyeong asked "nobodies weirder than you, and honestly, I feel weird too, like something's happening" Joon added, the whole table talking about how the air felt weird or in Cheong's case he was calling us paranoid.

But all of our suspicions were confirmed by the end of lunch when people started running into the cafeteria in a panic, Joon instantly pulling me to be behind him as we both got up.

"What are they running from?" I asked, the two of us inching closer and closer to the second exit door.

"I don't know but I think you might have been right" "I'm always right" I rolled my eyes before they practically widened at what I saw, making me wish I wasn't right.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
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