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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Finally, Mr. Lee was back today, but the man seemed off we all chalked it up to his son being bullied.

Anyways we were writing down some notes Mr. Lee not even saying anything to our class or even explain things to us.

"*mumble* bro came back for nothing," I say, Joon-yeong lightly hitting my foot as I tried to not laugh.

The rest of class went on like this and eventually it was time to go back to homeroom so we could clean up, Hyeon-jun slept, everyone deciding to leave her be while Mr. Lee mumbled some sort of a goodbye to us.

"Man, did you see Mr. Lee? He's been so weird" I say to Daesu as we took out the trash.

"I know, he's honestly creepy," Daesu said just as Gyeong and Cheong jumped out at us, both me and Daesu screaming and holding onto each other as the two boys laughed at us.

"Man fuck y'all," I say, hitting Cheong as he kept laughing while holding onto his arm.

"Y'all laugh like little kids" Gyeong laughed as Daesu kicked his shin, the two of us walking away from the two weirdos.

"Anyways hold up, I gotta check on my change of clothes in the announcement room," I say, being best friends with the girl who normally does the announcements she lets me keep my things in there and so if I don't like my fit or something happened...I have a plan b.

Once leaving Daesu I found my way to the room, seeing my back was still in the corner of the room, my things all there still.

"Alright then, time to grab everyone and get food," I say, everyone except for Cheong, On-Jo, Gyeong, and I-sak, going out to eat as a group.

"Everyone's here?" Su-hyeok asked, all of us nodding "let's go then" Wu-Jin stated as we all started to walk, Hyo kicking Daesu for saying something dumb, all of us just laughing, knowing the two would be perfect for each other if Daesu would just leave Wu-Jin's older sister alone.

But anyways despite all of the fun and laughing, my stomach still turned and flipped, as if whatever I was worried about would be tomorrow, and I was praying that it was just a surprise quiz and not something life-changing.

But of course, it's always the bad option.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 413

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