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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Once the students made it to the lab, having to barricade the doors and windows from the zombies in the halls, Joon looked around the room, expecting his girlfriend to be there.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked in a panicked tone, making everyone realize that she and Su-hyeok were gone, Joon-yeong was too worried about Y/n to care about the blood on his hands from fighting the zombies.

"I thought she was behind us with Su-hyeok," Cheong said nervously, everyone hoping the two were okay.

But little did they know the two were in the art room just so happened to have a few zombies in it, Y/n hiding behind a large painting while Su-hyeok hid behind a sculpture table.

"*whisper* where do we go?" Y/n asked, getting a shrug from the boy before he held his hand up to tell her to hold on.

But now the intercom had turned on, the zombies going over to the speakers.

It was Ms. Park telling everyone the situation and to call the police if they could, the woman even crying for everyone to be okay, making the students all cry, Y/n wiped her eyes, knowing this wasn't the time to cry.

But in the science lab, the students were trying to keep quiet, I-sak trying to make Cheong comfort On-jo, the girl giving up on him and simply taking matters into her own hands.

And as for Joon-Yeong he had tried to look for another phone, trying to see if he could call Y/n and at least check to see that she was alive, but there were none in sight, Wu-Jin and Gyeong had to calm him down.

But what had grabbed everyone's attention was I-sak's nosebleed and On-Jo asking if she were bit, the teen freaking out and denying it.

"Hey you're okay, right?" Gyeong asked, not knowing what to do just before I-Sak had walked over to On-Jo who was tearing up, trying to stop herself from crying.

"What are you guys doing? Get her out now!" Na-Yeong yelled, her yells making the zombies become aggressive again, Daesu and everyone holding onto their barricades just as I-Sak had begun to turn, Cheong having to hold On-Jo back.

Once turned I-sak ran at Cheong, the boy fighting her off before she ran at On-Jo, Cheong was able to push her out of the way and out of the window in time to save On-Jo, only for her to grab I-sak's hand before she fell off.

"We have to let go" Cheong tried to reason with On-Jo, the girl too emotional to listen as she thought back on all of her memories with I-sak.

But Cheong had made On-Jo let go, the girl watching her friend fall to the ground, breaking her inside as she stepped back from the window before breaking down.

But while that was happening, Y/n was able to see an open window, She and Su-hyeok inching their way closer without making noise.

Y/n accidentally made a pencil fall as she slammed a vase against a zombie's head, She and Su-hyeok now standing on the side of the school, the girl forgetting she hit heights.

But the two had looked over to see Cheong holding onto a fire hose used as a makeshift ladder, a zombie holding onto Cheong's foot.

"She's holding onto you moron," Su-hyeok said to the boy "I know" "drop her then" Y/n yelled while both she and Su-hyeok made fun of the boy before deciding to help.

"Hey, you got that" Y/n shuffled away slightly, just in time because a zombie had fallen from above, the girl's eyes widened.

"I hate it here" she breathed out before having to shuffle over to the fire hose, Joon helped her into the room before wrapping her into a tight hug, the boy not even bothering to wipe the two tears that fell till Y/n smiling at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬- 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐘/𝐧Where stories live. Discover now