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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
What I was seeing could have been something from a horror movie.

People pushing and shoving in a panic just as other students ran in, but they were covered in blood and were practically ripping people apart with their teeth in a cannibalistic manner, my stomach dropping and the need to throw up hitting me.

"O-oh shit," I say before taking a few steps before throwing up, Joon coming right to my side.

"Y/n we need to go," the boy said after I had thrown up, seeing a boy who had his neck bitten off now coming at us.

"Oh, shit," I say, punching him in an instant, giving me and Joon time to run as we held onto each other, the two of us having to throw off what I guessed to be zombies.

But the thing was these things were fast and weren't what I was expecting.

"Joon!" I yelled the boy's name as the sprinklers turned on, a zombie grabbing my foot.

Lucky for me Joon had stomped on her, getting the zombie off of me as we made it to the exit door, realizing it was locked.

"The window" I had pointed out as we jumped into a table, a boy from class opening it for us and everyone letting me get out first.

"Shit shit shit, Joon come on," I say, scared that something might have gotten him, but once he hopped out of the window, I grabbed him in an instant, and the two of us ran, toward the school, dodging a few zombies.

"This way," my boyfriend said as we ran inside, having to go up the stairs and practically jumping into our classroom after knocking a zombie down the steps.

"You two okay?" Gyeong asked, the two is us out of breath Hyo, I-sak, and Ji-min coming to my side.

"*sigh* I'm good," I say, crawling to my feet for a moment before running right to the window, opening it in an instant and throwing up again, not even realizing On-Jo, Cheong, and Daesu had run in, Joon helping me out while I threw up on a bush below us.

"Y-you guys didn't hit bit right?" Na-yeon asked as I swished some water around my mouth before spitting it out of the window, watching it land on a zombie girl, all of this was still too much to take in as I closed the window.

"Yeah, I didn't get bit," I say, checking over myself to see scraps and blood that I knew was not my own.

"Yeah, we're all fine" Wu-Jin confirmed, all of us still out of breath.

"Hey, it's "train to Busan" " Cheong said, Daesu confused about the meaning.

"He's saying those things are zombies," I say while sitting down "why at school of all places" Daesu complained "go look for yourself," Cheong said, pulling Daesu to the window to look.

"Are you okay now?" My boyfriend asked, fixing my braids to their original state, his hands shaking.

"Physically yeah, but not mentally," I say, my boyfriend, letting out a sigh once done with my hair.

"Me too"

All of a sudden there was a bang on the window, and all of us saw that it was Su-hyeuk and Nam-ra.

"Close it before someone gets in" Na-yeong panicked, the girl already slightly annoying me a bit.

'Should have picked a different room'

After we all went silent, Joon holding onto one of the doors, a Zombie ran right at his door, the boy sliding down in fear, the scene was pretty funny from a messed up view.

𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬- 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐘/𝐧Where stories live. Discover now