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"You listen too weird music." Himeno heard.

She first thought the devil was like Ghost, intangible, able to vanish, float, sure she could do most of that too but Himeno never expected the devil to be able to touch things since from what she understood of this deal the devil was riding along in her mind to keep her from going back too where she came from.

"I have a weird taste." She stole the earphones back and plugged them in.

"That's not enough to block me out." Music filled her ears as she drove, heading to work since it was time to get back to it. "I am in your mind after all." That was true, she heard the music blare but the devil's voice clearly over it.

She sighed and pulled them out.

"Are you even as strong of a devil as you say Sho?" She had warned her despite giving her a name she'd nickname her soon too.

"Much stronger and knowledgeable then you can think." She grinned, Himeno felt her gaze on her. "I am deceit, trickery, a false deal, empty promises, the other devils did try to kill me so I am not nothing."

"Outside of changing up a contract I haven't seen you do much."

"Oh trust me I can do a lot."


"I have a spiderweb of influence through contracts that keeps getting better and bigger each contract I sew into it."

"Example?" She said, watching the light and waiting for it to turn green as she tapped on the steering wheel.

"An example? These threads are long but I'll tell you of a small one, the tomato devil's ability to be reborn from a seed as my own in exchange of ensuring it will always sprout in the future but to ensure this I have a contract with the future devil to make certain things in the future happen for sure while I ensure it has an eternity of deaths to see, I have a contract with eternity for its power in exchange the gun devil piece, I got the gun devil piece from the tomato devil who gave it to me in exchange of not killing him before making that deal with him..... I have my ends of the contract while the consequences of any deal falls onto the other devils and I only keep the benefits. I completed what contract I asked so I get the rewards but if they break the terms of the contract all devils except me in that loop lose all they gained from the contract while I only would lose the powers but devils don't like breaking contracts so this spiderweb of contracts here and there is solid."

"Well I'll be damned." Himeno glanced over at the grinning devil. "How many of these contracts do you have?"

"Probably with most devils, I exist only since humanity started making deals with each other but I did my homework."

"And humans are scared of a lot." She said before a car honked, making her drive off. "That's a lot of influence."

"Mhm, I always make deals to trick and free myself from consequences so it is a web of contracts between every devil but myself while I reap the benefits."

She parked the car in front of the work building.

"And is it only for power?" She ask as she got out, not seeing the devil but knowing she was around, holding her phone to her ear as if she was on a call to trick people and so they didn't think she was a mad woman.

"Of course, a devil strives for power, the more powerful the better, there is few devils I don't have tied in this web of lies and tricks but I am far from needing their strength at the moment."

"Well I need to report too the boss, a woman named Makima, not that I want too, I was thinking I shouldn't, but it would be a better idea if I told her about you, she is scary and hiding things is not good." She opened the door and went inside, waving at a few people. "We've been unable to get anything out of her."

"You want me to help."

"It would make completing our contract easier, she is strong but the man that taught me, Kishibe, thinks there is more to her then what she shows."

"Alright, I'll play along." She heard with a chuckle in the voice. "But do not get surprised if it goes off the rails."

"Great, now be nice."


"So that's how you survived." Makima tapped her fingers on the desk with a smile. "And you are not a fiend."

"No, it was really a devil that offered me a deal, me already dying and offering to keep me alive in exchange of using my body as a vessel, I am still alive so I can't be a fiend can I?" Himeno always felt a cold chill talking to this woman.

"No you can't." Makima agreed. "And what is this devil?"

"Eh." She shrugged. "She has many names."

"Trickery, contract, deal, foul play, lies." Himeno lowered her gaze with a face palm as the devil manifested next too her as cocky as she ever was.

She looked up through her fingers, momentarily catching a look of Makima's face without a smile and it was even more terrifying then the smiley one.

"Interesting." She looked at Himeno with the smile back on her face. "Can you leave me with her for a moment." It was a question without the intonation in it.... So basically an order.

"All will be fine." Sho told the human as she glanced up at her.

"Alright, I'll be outside, we are tied by contract, I can't be too far." Makima didn't react too that so Himeno left and closed the door before sticking her ear too the door, trying to listen in as much as she could but much was muffled.


 "How?" Came the dark voice from the previously calm and almost joyous looking woman at the desk but now had a face showing barely contained fury.

"Stop frowning Conquest." The contract devil grinned. "It looks bad on you." She said, picking her nails.

"How are you free?!" The other devil slammed her hands on the table, standing, a wave of anger filling the room.

"Don't try to use you powers on me Conquest or have you forgotten our deal?" She grinned as she lifted both hand, holding the left up and letting the right on hang but hold up the point fingers only an inch from left palm. "Conquest... Bang." She whispered, an invisible force blasting a hole through her hand as Sho didn't even seemed to have felt the pain as Makima's face contorted in disgust. "Next time, don't make a deal with me before you thought it through, I am trickery, I am lies, you can never look at a devil that is pure deceit as less then you are, you can never control it, because of course you live through deceit, hiding your truth from them... Conquest is only made through deceit, lie and trickery, you'd never have been this powerful without me." With a shake of her hand, it was fixed, the hole gone only the blood remaining. "But think again Conquest, the void of nothing cannot eternally hold something that exists." She kept it too herself that she was technically not fully free, she didn't need to know that. 

"You should have never been able to escape that place, you should be too weak."

"I still existed in the void despite it being against its nature, many millennia passed for me while only a few for you did, I learnt of the affects my existence caused too it but humanity never stopped being dishonest and tricking each other so I never died tho you are correct, for the moment I am weak yes, I was forced to make a deal with little too no benefits for myself and a dying human accepts any deal offered too it."

"I will erase you from the surface of the earth and hell."

"I'd love to see you try Conquest.... Or Makima, as you decided to call yourself right now."


The Second Chance Contract (Himeno X F.OC) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now